Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hello!!! is sunday~~

a lazy sunday..... uhm....

feel like sleeping all the time....the weather is nice to sleep...


happy with the Malaysia Day holiday?

yes...I'm happy with that...!! didn't go anywhere....stay at home rest!!!

have the yummy chunky loaded pizza as dinner with my boy...

our way to celebrate Malaysia Day..


10 chunky layers!!!! from top to bottom
Mozzarella Cheese, Tortilla Strips, Diced Tomatoes, Chicken or Beef topping ( we have beef :] ), Roasted Veggie Mix, Tortilla Crust, Roasted Veggie Mix again, Mozzarella Cheese again, Napoli sauce and last..Crunchy Crust!

we ordered chunky loaded set 1: 
1 regular chunky loaded pizza
2 mushroom soup
2 pepsi drinks 
4 sticks of garlic bread 

taste nice... :) 

the next day...went to KL

help my boy to keep the apartment....

he is going to move there for 1 to 2 months...

sad :( 

the little apartment is nice~

everything are mini in size..but nice design...

feel warmth.....~ 

a tired day!!! 


today...homework's day!!! ish..hate

uhm.....haven't buy clothes for Arthur's Day..

ergh....busy me !! 

who's me there : ) !!!!

off!!! bye 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Black is Back with Arthur’s Day 2011

Finally....I'm not a under-age girl anymore...!!!

yes!!! I'm 18 years old !!! and you know what?!

I'm waiting for the day of the Arthur's Day 2011 !!!

i wish i could be the part of it..yes!!! that's what i want!!!

The Arthur's Day first started at 2009, and this year is the third annual celebration !!

First stop at Ireland, then Europe, across the U.S.A and the Caribbean and last stop at Malaysia!!!!

The celebration is hitting Malaysia on 23 September 2011, from 6pm onwards, 

The celebration will be led by TAIO CRUZ, international R&B superstar!

Arthur's Day acts as the local music industry too...

Malaysia's Top 2 favourites will  rock the stage with Taio Cruz...

WHO will be the lucky guy? the result will be based on votes online and on ground at various performance venue...what you waiting for? vote your favourite local artist now!!

Arthur's Day is now on the Guinness Malaysia Facebook page:


Thursday, September 8, 2011


now just update my blog?well....i want to update often too....but....i can't get any special to post...

my daily life...oh well....u won't be interested with life is bored...

just study....yea..that's my life...

i wish to have a pause button....when i feel like can't move on anymore...

press the a while....continue my journey again....

can time stop a while, for me?

5 minutes.,,please?

being a not that easy...