Saturday, February 9, 2013


today, is the eve!

have you guys prepare well to welcome chinese new year?

i am! i am done with all the new clothes, shoes, and what? erm,,, whatever it needs i already prepared la!

today will be very busy...first, busy prepare things to pray..then the reunion own manicure and pedicure...and also bath

(for chinese, the day before chinese new year, have to bath, bath till your skin peel off la *joke...which bring the meaning of wash off all the dirty things on your body, mind and soul, and welcome the new prosperity year!)

after that, the first day of chinese new year, we are not allowed to wash our hair. why? idk?

ok har, i try to update my blog everyday la, try la...

kinda neglected it...too lazy...too busy :) sorry

ahah! let me show you guys something very very very surprise one!

my new hair :) is purple color, which i wanted so long time. and finally i got it for this year
i am a purple fans, most of my friends knew it. and i always said i want to dye my hair to purple. 
and, now, i did it! no regret! and i love it so much. every morning i woke up, went to bathroom, i looked at the mirror, i smiled. can't resists my hair color, it just make me tears. 

this is me, before. also missing my black hair. but, hello, we are young. 
why not take the challenge? 
if u not going to do it, when u are old, lying on the bed, you will start regretting 
and also counting things that you wanted to do but u didn't. 

NO, i don't want to have any regret in my life. not even once. 

This color is a pain on my ass. 
really, used 8 hours. my butt was flatted after that.

hairstylist had bleached my hair trice. each used 2 hours

result from second bleach: 


result from third bleach! kinda blonde right? 
after the purple fade off, this will be my hair color. 

ahah! this is the funniest part! four hairstylists is dying my hair, 
it have to be dyed at the same time! because if there is a time gap, the color will be different. 
everyone is racing with the time: 

saw the fatty boom boom? the guy wearing grey color shirt, and have a blonde hair. 
He is the main hairstylist of mine. He used up whole day to figure out my hair color. 
and i got to know that he can't find his car after work. because he used all the brain juice even though the car is just in front of him! 

i am really really appreciate my hair color and all the hard work from him. 
Thank you so much. and also all the workers. Thank you Thank you. 
i love it. 

Lastly, the most important person: my beloved. 
he had accompanied me the whole day and also the other things he did. 
Thank you thank you.


any appointment or request please contact: 06 7687762