Thursday, November 13, 2014


hey people. 

glad that i survived from assignments and tests. 

ordinary university life. i am working it out. 

by the way. today, i want to talk about myself. 

i am a girl, from year 1993. i am a girl that live independently. 

why? because start from primary one, my parents went to Singapore, to work, earn money, to survive. 

i have a brother, youngest brother. since then, my aunt from mother side started to take care us.
 and my parents, come back once two weeks. and stay for 3 days 2 nights.
 after that they went back to their hard life.

i won't say that i am lack of love from my parents.  i learnt to appreciate. 
appreciate the time we're being together. appreciate the things that they gave me. 
i never complain about my life. never. 

wishes in my life, so far, they fulfilled. they just simply amazing. 

i am a 90's. 

from the education, i learnt to stand out and say things that i think is correct. 

i don't actually fucking care who is the one that did wrongs. i don't care if he/she is older than me or he/she is my elder.

whatever i think it is wrong, i point it out.

like what i always said " fight for our rights."

i think it is not wrong for us to fight for our rights. i never think it is wrong. 

this is 20 century. no more drama from those old times please.

i am a modern girl. i am not that kind of girl that lives in old times, that knee down to wipe the floor with a cloth and never disagree with single thing that happen in her life. i am not that kind of girl, just not. 

whoever that disagree me, this individual. ok, fine, you can leave, i won't stop you right? we're not in the same path though. 

 life never be easy.
i will cry in the middle of the night. many reason for me to cry in the midnight.

maybe because of i have a test tomorrow and i can't sleep. 
maybe because i have a fight with my bf. 
maybe because of i feel lonely.

too many reasons to cry.

but i don't cry in front of people.
i will not let my tiara down in front of those fucking people that look down on me. i was always strong in front of people.

sometimes, i am fragile.
in the middle of the night, i might need to hold myself in case i broke accidentally. lol. 

i don't communicate with people that i don't really know. 
i don't know the reason. i just feel superb insecure to communicate with people that i don't know. 
i rather keep quiet. and i did feel good to not to talk. weirdo i know.

it just feel better to not to open my mouth. maybe i scare the gold that i kept in my mouth will drop out.

but, if people start a conversation with me, i never reject ok....i will not run off. not until that level please. 

my life is not bad, but when i feel it is bad, i tell myself  "suck it up." 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The title tells. i am back in action. 

 MIA for 5 months. i am good. 

just blog still alive? 

is okay..i am bringing it back. 

just in case you are  wondering where i die to..this post will kind of sum up what actually happened. 

first. i back from UK trip.. 

where lot of fun and memories happened. 
boyfriend already came back from UK but i am still not finishing with all the UK posts.

second. the day after i touched down in Malaysia, my internship started.

i got to meet all of them, whose made my internship goes better. without them i probably die in the office. 

after i finished the internship that last for 3 months, i finally got a month to rest. 

Still MIA, because i was busy with my 21st birthday celebration. 

finally i am 21st year-old. will blog about it real soon? 

after birthday celebration, new semester started. busy with all the enrollment, classes, activities....... 

and finally, i am here after months. 

still alive and good. thankgod.

like i mentioned in previous-previous-previous entry, i will have a giveaway.

so, if you're interested with it. stay tuned!

promise will have the giveaway this month. So, come back anytime and you might get surprise!

Sunday, April 27, 2014



continue my trip to Paris! The City of Romance 

Pre-booked our Eurostar train ticket on October, and so, here we go to Paris :) 

here we reached Paris with the big old school departure time board
i am totally amazed and we stood here for minutes to read it
the the board really flipped
i was like " omg! u see it?!" 

and here, the happy girl is going to start her journey

First to hotel! i booked a hotel really near to the train station, in case we missed the train back to London

5minutes walking distance and we reached our hotel
request for early check in and guess what, we got our room at 10.45am. 
blessed! just one room available at the moment and we got our foot reached there on time. 

we went out to get some lunch before we tour around and accidentally found this market selling those fresh meat, fruits, veggies ... etc

ang mo everywhere :) :) :) 
and people looked at me like : asian? 

 Got no idea what to eat, we just bumped into this restaurant

and i got a menu..with French 
and the waiter gave me this whiteboard and he said it was all the Special of the Day

okay, let me take a picture with it 

and help please, seriously? u think i can read French?
no please....i am hungry.. and i need food pleeeease

the waiter walked to me and explained 

and here: our lunch :) 

_ i love my spaghetti! i swear it cannot be found in malaysia
because the Cheese they put in is only in French. wtf 

tour around this city and got some pictures :

the weather was slightly cooler than London, so i have to equip myself with thicker clothes and end up like this. lol 

and we went to the Love Lock Bridge
the must-go-place for couple
and MJ decided to lock me up

our little lime green lock squeezed in and successfully locked on the bridge 

and there, people said, the key have to throw into the river
so the couple will find no way to unlock it
and they will stay together in forever. 


and there, MJ wants to throw it into the river
i was like : NO NO NO, u will be caught by the cop, ahh ahh, i will not rescue u if u really get it
he replied: no one will catch me okay, i am throwing 
me: NO! u will pollute the river! 
him: the government will clean it once in a few months
me: really? 
him: people says, they use magnetic concept
me: oh...u can throw it now :) 

and this conversation....heard by an ang mo couple
and they just looked at us and smiled.
they understand what am i saying? omg..embarrass

we went to Galeries Lafayette 
and MJ got me some macaroons 
ahah, Laduree Paris direct from Paris eh~ 

you want some MCM? 

or Louis Vuitton?

lol, definitely not the thingy i can afford, forget about it. 

who is taking picture with the Eiffel Tower? IS ME! 

and who is kissing infront the Eiffel Tower? US!

did i mention the day i went is New Year Eve? 
i am counting down the time with all the ang mo people
and i am counting down with Eiffel Tower! 
blessed, i am blessed. 

got our dinner near the Eiffel Tower, and we found nothing special to dine in

boy: grilled duck breast in mid-well 

Mine: Juicy grilled Tiger Prawn


Sunday, March 30, 2014


The day, we went to St.Albans 

another historical small city

i prefer small city if you want me to choose between big city and small city

i just love to stay peacefully 

go to the nearest park with a cup of hot chocolate and spend the whole afternoon at there

u can call me Lazy, i call it leisure. 

we took bus to there, my first time to take bus in U.K 

so excited :) 

there is morning market, where it opens till noon, some till evening. 

you can get anything fresh from there, veggies, fruits, meat, fish...etc

i bought two boxes of strawberry, it was sweet and juicy, of course i can't finish it. When we got home, i put into the freezer, to chill it because i personally think that chilled strawberry is nicer. 
i planned to eat after 15 minutes.
i forgot to take out, until the next morning. MJ thrown it. 
i felt guilty, to the strawberry. *tears 

We walked around the city, and went to the park - Verulamium Park ! 
where there is a Big Lake, Swam, People, Doggies, and Sun!

me, and ms. Swam 
my first in my life getting so near with ms.Swam 
it is fairy white, and i just squat down there, looking at it. for minutes. 
and i am not willing to leave. 

you can find doggies at any part of the park, you can play with them. 
they will come to you if you squat down, the owners don't mind you touch them and play with them. 
i was so excited, and i have a stupid thinking, i told MJ, let's bring muffin over here, she will likes it, maybe she will feel cold, but i don't care, let her wear sweater? 

cuteness overload. 

went to this church : St. Albans Abbey Church

and Mj proposed to me, with my strawberry. 
what? strawberry, ok, i will eat it, and nice try.

the inner part .. 
hello, real ang mo church leh...
it was peace and quiet. 

we went to Waffle House,
 lunchii :) 

is all about waffle ... WAFFLE 

Cheese Sauce & Mushroom

Chili Con Carne

Special of the day: Meatball 

and my all time favourite : Chocolate with scoop of vanilla ice-cream 

k. thanks. bye
next : Paris