Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The title tells. i am back in action. 

 MIA for 5 months. i am good. 

just blog still alive? 

is okay..i am bringing it back. 

just in case you are  wondering where i die to..this post will kind of sum up what actually happened. 

first. i back from UK trip.. 

where lot of fun and memories happened. 
boyfriend already came back from UK but i am still not finishing with all the UK posts.

second. the day after i touched down in Malaysia, my internship started.

i got to meet all of them, whose made my internship goes better. without them i probably die in the office. 

after i finished the internship that last for 3 months, i finally got a month to rest. 

Still MIA, because i was busy with my 21st birthday celebration. 

finally i am 21st year-old. will blog about it real soon? 

after birthday celebration, new semester started. busy with all the enrollment, classes, activities....... 

and finally, i am here after months. 

still alive and good. thankgod.

like i mentioned in previous-previous-previous entry, i will have a giveaway.

so, if you're interested with it. stay tuned!

promise will have the giveaway this month. So, come back anytime and you might get surprise!