Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bring'in the whole new Me

Hello friends. Welcome back to my blog. Feel so good to bring it back to life after i have abandoned it for half a year. No worries. It is now back to action. Why i have gone so long? Probably doing the same shit(s). Assignments, tests and final exams, which i have tied up with my degree course for 3 years. And now, comes to The End. Finally finished my degree course. Like...finally. I got myself an official job. ahem, ya, another new life begin soon. 

So, which means, I got plenty of time to work on my blog! and it makes me decide to bring my blog back with my very own youtube channel, where i will do my vlog when i feel like i want to talk about it instead of blog about it. perhaps there is with some laziness. The channel is still working on; in progress. 

Thank ya for reading.
