Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hey, Life

So, hey

Is been a year. how's going? 

After so many months, i have decided to back to this blog-sphere. Over the months, i have tried to blog, but it ends up with the delete button. Well, i think i am not passionate about blogging or what, i don't know. Until a month ago, i have decide to pick it back. Because I need to blog, words can help to express everything, whether you are sad, happy, angry or excited, you can always write it down to make it a memory. And i want to keep it in words, so that when i am old, i mean older, i can always read it and think about how life's going on with me and my family, friends. 

When i re-activated my blog and started to read every blog i have posted, i am really blessed with my life. For all the people that once appeared in my life, i really appreciate it for making my life so much fun and left me with so much good memories. Places i have been, friends i have made, tears i have dropped, i want to keep every memory in records, i don't want to lost any piece of it. 
Every memory is valuable, even the bad ones. 

Over the months, here are what's happened and happening: 

 My life 

Now, most of the time i am based in our nosiest city, KL 
i have my career here, 
i have my new and old friends here, 
and i have a life with my love ones here. 

So, my life routine is 
I wake up every morning;
 wash up; 
have my outfit from wardrobe; 
put on some make up 
and off to work 

after work; 
i will walk my pet dog with the love ones; 
have dinner
slack on bed for some movie
or just simply play with our own phone 
sometimes/most of the time we will hang out with our friends
we have dinner together, or get some drinks 

I have signed off from previous company, and still looking for a better job that I will be passionate about. So, let's not talk about my work first. Who knows maybe i will change my path to be a full time blogger/youtuber?  

Still attaching with the same old love, we are good. Yea, good. 
Has been together for 5 years and still counting; and still working on it. 

23 years old this year, i have many ideas going in and out of my mind. 
i don'k know which to start first, which to go first. 
hopefully i will come out with one soon, or else i will just continue my life this way. 
which i don't really want it to be. 
oh, maybe back to blog-sphere is a good start? 

Conclusion: life was good to me for the past few months. still good to me now.