Tuesday, August 9, 2011


long long long time din't update my blog...

so,here I am....

since started college at March, i have no time to rest....

everyday rush for assignment,study for test,prepare lab report..bla bla bla

I'M TIRED!!! and finally get sick :( 

fever, and it affected my bone!! WHY???! very very very pain,my bone :(

cough, every time i cough, i feel like my lung is getting burst...

this few days is under blur "mode" ..

walk, blur, talk, blur, sms, blur, homework, blur....blur blur blur...

i want to sleep..i want to sleep... 

sorry MR Shankar :( i fall asleep in your class today...so sorry...

medicine forced me to close my eyes...so sorry

is time to rest....but the problem is,i have NO time

so how? continue my busy life.....

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