Monday, February 27, 2012


a quick update while i am having a little free time

i am good plus fine, not very busy with the life that i am having now

just the laziness always move around me...

met with my boyfie when we both free

taking more serious with our degree 

left the love love thing beside,

we now are working hard for future

haven't step out university, but now i am a debtor 

ptptn sent me a congratz that i am joining the debtor list 

happy to be a good girl that helped to pay half of the fees though i got the inti scholarship
(so, i helped to clear more than half of the fees)  

sad to be a debtor and i have to pay back the money after finish study 

hope i can get the first honor, and tadaa...i no need to pay back :) 

yes...i am good dreamer also  

is monday, a brand new week

how are you readers? 

drop me some warm comment to cheer me up

or drop some words to tell me that you're fine