Thursday, April 12, 2012


is an un-usual day...i am still staying at INTI for an extra class..

thinking go home or not after this late-night-class

boyfie asked me to go his place, he is worried that i have to drive home alone...

go home or not? i feel like going home, but i am scare of the dark night...i am not used to drive at night :( 

check on inti e-campus, exam time table came out long time ago...i am lazy to log in until just now..

shock me... exam starts on 26 april...end on 4 May

then semester break...oops..time flies...

is April now...what i did in this four months? NOTHING...

time run damn fast, i failed to catch it, so now i have to chase it...

i am tired....time, why you no wait me >,< 

thinking to go for a short trip with my boy...

as we two have semester break on May... where to go? 

suggestion please...and sponsor please..

hotel? air ticket? anything? 

i am deal with anything, as long as we don't need to pay 


recently less to blog, because i have no time

i am fine, ok, no problem...

everything going smoothly 

hope my result also will be that "smooth" 

i dont wanna retake any paper

especially financial accounting


my boy and me? 

we are fine, stable-relationship

argue, not always, at least one month once, i think? 


we are still in love with each other

small argument helps to improve our relationship mah! 

his eyes got problem :P

mine is perfect :D

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