Friday, July 13, 2012


hi people, your irresponsible blogger is here

first, i apologize for not updating my blog..for more than two weeks!!!

i am failed :( or maybe u just don't bother i am not updating ? lol

i just finish all my assignments, and tests...i feel like crying..really...because this semester is short, and every lecturer is rushing for the syllabus...test and assignment...seriously, i am lack of sleep! 

damn bloody stress! 

throw those stressful thingy away, let's review some happy memoriessss

went to Sushi Zanmai with boy, thumb up! 

well, i don't feel like going sushi King anymore...or

check the pictures :) 

Baby Octopus, big love with this

Soft Shell Crab sushi roll 

smile, i wore the lace tube top that day
found it out from wardrobe, bought it last year i think
is nice with my hair curled :) 

the boy 

FYI, Midvalley Megamall will have education fair tomorrow and also sunday
it last for two days! 
haven't think for you future education? just go and have some idea! 

and 16-19 July, there is a beauty fair at PWTC 

i was like " why all goodness es crash with my exam date! why u no wait for me!" 

will have my final semester exam next thursday, well, i haven't check my exam timetable..

cool huh? is lazy actually...

so, i w.i.l.l t.r.y t.o u.p.d.a.t.e m.y b.l.o.g 
a.s f.r.e.q.u.e.n.t a.s i c.a.n

see ya

hope next time come up will vlog! 

lazy to type

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