Sunday, August 11, 2013


A short food entry before i head to bed. 

went to Pasta Zanmai days ago with love and his friends
first time went there, have no idea with their food, and was on diet plan, doesn't want to eat much
so i left to le boyfriend to make decision for me on what to eat
damn stress when come to this question: 
1. too many restaurant, what to eat?
2. too many delicious foods, what to eat
3. too many choices, what to eat
4. pasta or rice, what to eat
life is full of choices! 

basically, i don't  know the NAME(S) of the foods, so i went to google it, (for your sake eh)
i just can get few of them. so, if you want to know their name(s)
i advice you to go to Pasta Zanmai, ask for their menu and perhaps enjoy your lunch or dinner there.
love their environment, so peaceful.  

mini chicken onsen tamago rice
love their onsen (raw egg) i love to eat onsen if it's fresh
this is yummy, confirm will go back for this

mini ikura salmon shasimi pasta

mini asari wafu soup pasta

mini chicken katsu rice x2

mine, kimchi seafood pasta
love their's kimchi soup too! 
and they gave a lot of seafood la, totally worth for the price 

juice of the day: watermelon
if you're going with friends (perhaps 4 people) you can order a jug of juice, it can makes up to 4 glasses
and it's cheaper
and i recommend you to drink their's juice, way too healthy 
no sugar added! 

also, must order their MINI PASTA SET, must! 
too cheap, too good, you can have one mini pasta to one mini rice/pizza

this one is i prt sc from Pasta Zanmai offical website
in case you want to know 


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