Sunday, September 29, 2013

ABOUT 14.09.2013

that day was our ANNIVERSARY.

went to Blu Med, Midvalley to have our lunch.

that was our last (not least) can be celebrated Anniversary before he left.

so, today will be an another food post

i totally forgot the name of each dishes. so let's forget about it.

i am so damn lazy to google it.

if you wanna try any of it, just show my blog and ask for the same dishes ok?

haha. kinda lazy la this blogger.

it is a course lunch:  appetizer; starter; main; dessert.

Blu Med is categorized as atas restaurant, got few awards, so the awards attracted me and asked me to dine in there.
well. last can be celebrated anniversary. spent a little, i don't think it is over.
so, let's go

plain and oat bread go with black vinegar
my tea, his coffee.  

this is the grilled vegetables. 
i love it! especially the mushroom. juicy and chewy. 
it was simple and nice! 

personally, i don't like this. 
green color made me afraid of it. 
and for me, it was way too salty. 

oh my gosh, i love this too. 
i just can say that the salmon is the best i have ever tried. 

creamy yummy soup. 
recommend from me. pls try it. Please....

both of the spaghetti, i don't like. too salty. i can't take the salt level. 
it was like *salt level 105*
lol. ...

ahah! the roasted chicken. 
i think that was mango sauce? 
perfect match....i like the skin of the chicken. so so so crispy~
can i have one more?

for the dessert, way too sweet. omg. 
it was pretty. but really way too sweet. 
sugar level 110. 

ME! wearing COTTON ON crop top in blue. matched with navy blue skater skirt from Cotton on too.

oh ya! my rose bouquet from him....thank you..
it was a surprise....he never fails to surprise me..
never. and this is my forth bouquet from him :)

the lovely couple..hahaha

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


my boyfriend left malaysia this morning. he is still on his way to uk (he is taking degree in lawyer) 

separation kills

i cried, kind of non stop...

we used to meet up almost everyday.. he left this morning, and the whole day i did nothing, just lying on bed, cry. it hurts. before he went off, i thought i can take it. i thought i will be fine with it. but, i am not, i am not fine. 

today suppose i have class from 10am-12pm and then 1pm-4pm
the break time between the two classes, i will meet him up for lunch and after the second class i will go his house for another meeting. but today, my class canceled at first then course auto dropped off i can't attend any classes, shit things just happen and happen. so i got home early, at 1pm. i started lying on bed, thinking what to do, but only his face our memories come in mind, i can't think anything else. i just cry, cry, and crying. 

seriously, it is so hard for me to take it especially i always rely on him. always. even my mom knows i rely on him a lot. i have to get use to the time and day without him. it is so damn hard.
i am scared. i am worrying, him,  us

god please be good to me. 

if i could afford, i might just get myself an air ticket now and go to uk. 

omg, why this kind of thing need to happen on me. 
i miss him so damn much. i can't stop tearing. 
i can't use to it. without him what should i do everyday? 

today i just keep on holding the ipad, browsing through our photos and cry over and over again. 
wtf, it is killing me. it is. 

baby boy, i miss u so much, so much

Friday, September 13, 2013

Just trying to blog with ipad

Hello people, i am just trying out the whether i can update my blog by using ipad blogger app.

Is friday, hahahahahahaha. Sorry, i have no plan, nothing to happy with and I have super big bad mood

 My recent face, i hope you like it 

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Bye bye ,love ya