Wednesday, September 18, 2013


my boyfriend left malaysia this morning. he is still on his way to uk (he is taking degree in lawyer) 

separation kills

i cried, kind of non stop...

we used to meet up almost everyday.. he left this morning, and the whole day i did nothing, just lying on bed, cry. it hurts. before he went off, i thought i can take it. i thought i will be fine with it. but, i am not, i am not fine. 

today suppose i have class from 10am-12pm and then 1pm-4pm
the break time between the two classes, i will meet him up for lunch and after the second class i will go his house for another meeting. but today, my class canceled at first then course auto dropped off i can't attend any classes, shit things just happen and happen. so i got home early, at 1pm. i started lying on bed, thinking what to do, but only his face our memories come in mind, i can't think anything else. i just cry, cry, and crying. 

seriously, it is so hard for me to take it especially i always rely on him. always. even my mom knows i rely on him a lot. i have to get use to the time and day without him. it is so damn hard.
i am scared. i am worrying, him,  us

god please be good to me. 

if i could afford, i might just get myself an air ticket now and go to uk. 

omg, why this kind of thing need to happen on me. 
i miss him so damn much. i can't stop tearing. 
i can't use to it. without him what should i do everyday? 

today i just keep on holding the ipad, browsing through our photos and cry over and over again. 
wtf, it is killing me. it is. 

baby boy, i miss u so much, so much


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hi Gal,
    i got this feeling b4.. but when time goes by, it will heal~ 1 thing, do consider seriously about the long term relationship that you are having now.. whether to continue or not, this is the hardest part!
