Thursday, December 12, 2013


i used 6 hours to have this little blog make-over.

i changed my blogskin to another type of floral wallpaper, it is more to dark color
previous ones is more to beige base. 
( no different lah, still floral) yeah, i know. 
tried to get purple floral, but, it disappointed me because it was not nice
kind of dull
not much of choice out there

i am still finding something near to liz lisa inspired wallpaper
i am quite into liz lisa. is all about floral and lace. 
save money and go Japan! 
*dreaming, again :( 

also added few icons 
mainly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
finally i added my twitter account
previously, i didn't put my twitter account on blog site
because i never update my twitter 
so now,what i did was, i linked my twitter to facebook
whatever i update on facebook, it will automatically help me to update on my twitter also
it is so convenient, for me, lazy people and facebook addicted people. 

 if you want to add me on either facebook, instagram or twitter
all you need to do is simply click the icon(s)
and tadaa, it will direct you to my account(s)  :) 

that's all i did to my blog. 
i don't really want to have a big big make-over to my blog
because i like what my blog is now. 
simple yet nice
floral and purple

good night

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