Thursday, July 22, 2010


wow~ oredi 11days no renew my blog !

sorry .. JULY test ~

hmm ~ July test jus finish yerterday ...

bt doesn't mean tat i can relax

Time will not stop because of me

So , i canot stop my steps

To apprciate the beautiful things tat around me anymore


I ned to study hard , catch up all the syllabus tat i missed

and oso study for my SPM-trial

com'on gal ...

no time for u to waste !

Spm jus around da corner !

watcha u waiting huh?!

ergh !

Guys ! dun date me anymor !

i gotta spend my time v my ,

hubby chemistry , dear physic , babe bio ,
add math darling , sejarah wiffy ~ n still gt
math , bm , bi , bc , pm !

ahhh ! i think after SPM i ned to make appointment v

Psychiatrist ~ !

to remove all my stress ~!

if nt i'll be sent to mental hospital

haha ~

oohya ~ KENA PLKN


alemak ~ panic nw !

memang lucky a me ~

bt buy TOTO no win =.=


TODAY go for the test drive ~

i pass !

wohooo ~



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