Friday, December 24, 2010


Good Morning,guys~! Eve!

I think everyone has ur own show for tonight,right?

My planning-Dine wit Family.....Rest....

HEy....Im home!Im bac from spore!miss me??haha.....

I miss home lotsa....miss my everythings.....

I came bac last night~*phew.......

kinda tired....11.30pm sleep till tis morning 9.00am! a pig~piggy~

com'on.....lets talk bout mt Trip!

1st day...20/12/2010

-flights.1045am....get up from bed at 7am....

wash up,bathe,change clothes,make up...bla bla bla..till 8am

Jane's dad brought us to take breakfast....thn fetch us to LCC terminal,Sepang

Reached Spore at 11.45am

take MRT to BUGIS...Our hotel,HOTEL 81 BUGIS

we Asked ppl of the way to our hotel...tat guy point us to somewhr

we lost our way....!WALK FOR still cant find our hotel....=.=

thn asked another guy....he also duno the way to

he took out his Blackberry...and google search for us!NICE GUY!

Not only that...he took us to hotel!nice rite?yayaya!very nice...thumbs up for u!

another problem occur whn we reach hotel....payment are always clear at the last day rite?

but tis hotel kinda special....payment clear at the 1st day!what...?!SD360....

so....i called my mum and asked her settle it!i took the key and jus straight to our room!

dun care bout tat!im kinda hot and tired!after half an hour...hotel phone rang....

"miss chang,u have u guest here...Anthony....would u pls come down?"

my mum boss!yeah..he clear the payment for me.....haha...he asked me "enuff money to use?"

sound like he wanna give me if im nt enuf money~haha....

after settle down everythings....we go to VIVO at thr.....

bought a christmas gift for dear.....and Jane also bought a christmas gift for her dear....

she bought a high heels for herself too!nice...well worth....

next station...Bugis street!the biggest street market of spore....

Jane and me bought a boots wit the price of SD20!cheap betul....

thn grab a christmas gift fot Angela and Misty!

after tat...bac to hotel....FB wit my dear..

sleep at 12am~

2nd day...21/12/2010

woke up at 7.30am~

prepare to go to Universal studio~

reached U.S at 10am....

tis day....we used up 5hours in U.S....

syok!thn nite we go to orchard road.....
many ppl thr...cos tat week is X'mas week...

lotsa programme thr....we saw a old lady sing "I'm Yours,Jason Mraz"


nice decoration on the street..many x'mas tree(s)...

I like the biggest x'mas tree...because used purple colour light on it!

my favourite colour!...and also the Ferrero Rocher x'mas tree!

thn bac to Hotel....~

3rd day....23/12/2010

meet wit my mum at Aljuined....

walk to geylang....fuyoh....

if gals walk alone on tat street....kinda dangerous!

those guy will " wee veet" you!and look at you wit their wolf eyes!

we lost again~~~~~aiks..ppl always point the wrong way for us....*swt~

so...we took cab to my mum's office!jus cost SD3.80...

=.= regret to walk at the beginning~

thn lunch wit mum.....full!!!!!!

hw to go to sentosa?!tummy tummy...~

so...jane and me jus walk walk walk...MRT,stand!!stairs!

haha...cute betul :)

high recommand frm uncle anthony....SILOSO BEACH!! rubbish at all!see....singapore...


have our time at thr wit sun,beach and sea water!wohooooooo~

many bikini hot chicks!i like it~*WEE VEET~

haha...thn hotel...bathe.....dinner wit dad and mum...


Chef :"chili?"



im ok wit tat,,bt Jane less less less less eat spicy things!what happen wit her?

Next....saw tears in her eyes....oh gosh...kena bully ke Jane?

*faint......thn we continue grab x'mas gift...

wohoo~done wit every1 gift!

finally i found OLD CHANG KEE!

snek snek snek...lik it...evrytimes i go to spore,i mus go to old chang kee!

to grab my snek~

:) dun worry...i eat many but 100% wont fat!cos we walk all the time!

thn head bac to hotel.....~

last day....23/12/2010

sleep till 9am~

thn pack up all the things....

check out and go to mum's office.....

FB at thr....clean up mum's office...

kinda messy..cos jus move in....


flights at 4.35pm

reached m'sia at 5.30pm...

owh.....dear leave at 5.30pm also!

took dinner at Jane's house thn home!

my hom kinda comfort!


nice trip wit Jane~

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