Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Thus,passed a year,I..feel like have not done a piece of work tat i set at the year 2010....

Anyway...Wish u guys HAPPY BUNNY YEAR :)

as a chinese,im celebrating CNY...btw tat...also enjoying my New Year holidays till 11.02.2011

tats mean,2 days left of my holiday....

com' bout tis year CNY

1st DAY :

woke up at 9.30am >.< early!

have breakfast with green pea soup,mushroom wit baked peanut & vegie....

Too hav all tis dishes...lil' difficult for me to finish hav few bites..~

after tat,bathe...put on grey dress....and make up before face sooo pale~cos,im lack of sleep!

out to my relatives's house at 11.30am~till 4somethg jus home wit a tired body.....

beh tahan!ignored my dear and sleep!!

fIREWORKS!!!!yeah....lik a lil' kid~

2nd DAY :

Visit-ed my boss at Melaka.....his wife prepared lotsa food!!

after tat nothing to do after went home....


3rd DAY :

Gathering wit my ex-classmate!owh...wonderfull starting with a shitty ending!

no no no...not goin to say anythings here!keep silent!iT passsssss~~~

talk about the nice memories :)

Jane-still tat kind of sweetieeee~

Angela-still tat kind of noisy

Katto-still tat kind of Muscular

Kiddo-Japanese style??i duno~jus Leng zai bit bit oredi~

Max-Lady GaGa or Rihanna??

Sam-same....transparent...!Good quiet

Edward-nothing special

Idyllic-1st meet wit him,funny guy....

Terrence-wow....getting handsome....without his acne!


others tat i dint mention sorry...cos...nothing special and no changes on u all~

go around,move around,play around,joke around,every moments with u all was the sweetest moment for me...

i love u guys...getting less and less chances we cn gather again....i appreciate all the moments with u guys...

4rd DAY :

Nothing happen.....jus stay at home...whole day!

5th DAY :

Day met wit dear Mr.Lee....

he came to my of a good babysitter!

play ps2 wit my 2 lil' cousin....I Have Been Seriously Ignored!

the small 1 lay in Mr.Lee's arm....and the big 1 keep call :gor gor..~gor gor..~
hey..hello...hw bout me???? =.=
ok....i bathe..make up...."no eyes see" them....
after tat,OUT~~haha..u r mine now!
went to JJ's house.....
Ice Room before bac to Mr.Lee's house....

i was kinda tired...i tried to sleep...but..cant...cos not used to his bed~
Dinner..........thn bed....comfortable~~haha....
6th DAY :

with my great gandma

night,Dinner with relatives...with 20ppl~
VIP room...with set of karaoke....
evey1 almost crazy~especially my uncle.....
"drink drink drink!","cum..YAM SHENG!"
bac at 10.30pm...we were the last customers..
:) i have a crazy & sweet family ! love it~!

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