Sunday, January 29, 2012


hello, hw's ur CNY ?!

is great is great.... HUAT ahh....

is dragon year...rawr...welcome, dragon...rawr..

gambling all the time...CNY ma...must gamble, must !!

few days ago, went to friend's house for CNY celebration

is happy to meet with them, my secondary school-mate... 

but at last, i'am drunk...(-_-) 

the side effect of mixing Chivas, red wine, vodka, beer inside my poor stomach is...vomit

as chemistry lecturer said, don't simply mix the will harm you

yes yes!! vomited three times, and the next day got shoot from mummy ( /_T ) 

luckily my boyfie go with me, i am safe to reach home...

yesterday went for "lou shang" with family...

the most important thing for CNY !! lou shang !! huat ahhhh...

*Giordano long and slim polo shirt for both of us <3

omg....say bye to CNY holiday :( 

back to reality, back to normal life

bye to party bye to alcohol bye to night life bye to everything..

im back, BOOKS

ergh...feel like crying....

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