Saturday, May 12, 2012


good morning.. *yawn...

woke up quite early today...

packed some clothes.. going to Batu Pahat with boy and his family, another visit kampong day

objective: celebrate mother's day

well, i have celebrated mother's day with my beloved mom, last week.. due to she needs to stay for work at Singapore this week.. sad case huh? we have used to it some how.. always celebrate those special days one week earlier..

haven't wash up and bath..later have to rush again...i like to do things at last minutes, no point, i feel that is FUN !

haha..weird ? ya..i know...i enjoy it

started semester break one week ago, but, i didn't even update my blog for once..

i am lazy :) and i know it...

all the time i am resting, because, this is the superb good time for me to rest

and now, i am fully charged.. trips !

P/S : went to jogoya again with boy, so, stay tuned.. i will update my blog with the MOTHER'S day and JOGOYA


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