Saturday, February 15, 2014


hello people.
finally got myself back to track. 
after the last post, i found myself have no time to blog. 

always want to find a time to update my blog ---- FAILED

today i will blog about my London Trip, Part I ! 

caught my flight to London on 23rd Dec, Malaysia time -- 10.35am 
how to describe my feeling? was complicated, happy..excited..scare..worry 
was so complicated. happy because we are going to meet each other after 3 months 
excited, because i am meeting him in just 13 hours and i am really on my way to London! 
and then it came to worry..and scare. worry because i am going to a new place, i don't know a thing at after 2 weeks, we are going to separate again. 

13 hours, long flight...i forced myself to sleep as much as i can 
because if i don't do so, i probably will die on the plane. haha! 
how am i going to pass this 13 hours if i don't sleep?! 

when i got down from the plane, i rushed to custom, all i did was praying that everything will be smooth. 
queued for custom check, when it was my turn, i am real scared. the lady asked few question. 
Before i went, everyone was telling me, it is hard to pass the custom because it is strict and high possibility will be send back to Malaysia if you're being doubt. i was fucking shit scare. 

and out of my high expectation, i passed easily. i was like " wtf, wtf...." 
got my baggage, and i ran to the arrival hall, and i was teared. 
he stood on the first row, looked at me. 
he just grabbed me in his arm, so tight.

the next day, i woke up, my first morning in UK ..
i opened the window, and admired the air, the wind, the sky.
the wind was chilled.. it told me it was real, i was in UK.
prepared our breakfast and ready to go to the London City!

At Hertfordshire Train Station waiting our train to London City
the wind was strong and i couldn't open my eyes. 
ahh, i am missing the weather there..
Malaysia is too hot nowadays. 

Typical tourist photo. 
Oxford Circus - London Underground ! 
damn efficiency & punctual ! 

hello Big Ben ! 
hello hello ! 
i am here to see you ! 
i am here in London ! 

London's Eye
and US 
with much of love .. 

Random church. 
There are too many church in UK. 
and all of them were beautiful and historical. 
i just love UK, i just fall in love with UK.
and i am sure, i will find myself waking up in UK again, some day.

Buckingham Palace, where the Queen stays. 

where am I? 
what are those colorful tubes? 
looks familiar? 

yeah! M & M world ! 
the London M&M World  ;) 

London is wonderful :) 
Christmas was awesome :) 

 Part II coming soon . 

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