Sunday, February 23, 2014


Comes to part II 

i woke up, found myself have no toothbrush to use. 
this is because, my boyfriend told me, 

headed down to the lobby

our breakkie time ! 

i love the cereal, i love the milk, i love the tea, i love the oat bread, i love the ham, i love the butter, i love the jam, i love the yogurt ( peach flavor - super love) and the cheessyyyy! i love the cheese i love the cheese, I LOVE THE CHEESE. 
so much different with Malaysia's cheese .. 
I couldn't find any cheese in Malaysia have the rich milky taste like i  had in London. 

all these have bring me to heaven, all these have really kicked start my day. 

next! ran out to the grocery shop (opposite our hotel) to buy our toothbrush! 

i was so happy to see the red apples...
it is big, it is red, and it looks fresh. i love apples. 
and the oranges! oh! and lychees, grapes, green apples, peaches, mangoes.......

" hey handsome, how much it is ? " 

Since we already out from hotel, we decided to walk around the place. 
It was Christmas. No train service, no bus service, perhaps there is cab, 
but it will charge higher fees on that day. 
so we ended up not going anywhere on Christmas. 

walking on a random street and a candid shot by boyfriend.

less car, less people. 
That's Christmas. 
not as u watch drama or movie, there is lots and lots of People. 
NO, On Christmas, you find less people walking on the street, lesser car on the road.
people prefer to stay at home and have their family gathering. 

this is me with the colorful houses! 
white, black, grey, orange, blue, pink, yellow...

and here, i welcome you to my house : 
the signature purple ! 
it's belongs to some one else :( not mine
i hope it was mine.... 
nice right ? 

let me show you my face without make up :) 
not bad right? 
yeah, i know :) 

and the night comes, 
we headed out again for our Christmas Dinner 

Bella Italia. 

The Gentleman

And, The Cutie Pie 

His Stuffed Turkey Breast with Roasted veggies

Mine, Spaghetti with Tiger Prawn

it was a bless, i have the chance to celebrate Christmas in London.
i never- ever think i would have this chance to go over UK 
and, it happened. 
Although it didn't snow on Christmas, is okay. 
Yes, It Didn't Snow On Christmas. 
Perhaps next time, when i go to London again, it will snow :) 

Stay tune for Part III : 
Us - Boxing day 
and here, a picture which related to next post 

Good night. 

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