Thursday, September 30, 2010


walao ! eii .. u dun hav ur own style d ah ?

y mus copy my style ? aiks ...

Im nt tat famous ... if u wan .. copy others d la ...

wan open blog thn jus write ur own things ..

I dun mind u use my blog as a reference ...

BT nt COPY !


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


ya .. Nez here~

hmm ... boring .... plan wan study d , bt duno y ..

no tat mood wan study ~

so .. cum on'

cum listen Inez talk non-sense again ~

hehe :)

erm .. tis few days ahhhh ..

feel gooooooood ~

everyday gt dear dear accom em , gt my babe(s) talk v em ...
( i mean Jane and Angela )

mood very good ...

actually leave him , reali a good choice , nt suffer anymore start from tatdy

nw .. i jus concentrate on my SPM ... i duwan be a useless ppl ~

10 As ... my aim ... i wanna get 10 As ! yeah ....
(dreaming again ~ )

so nw wan study hard hard .....

:) Gambateh !

my miz Jane finally hapi bac jor ...
her sweeta smile finally appear on her chubby face jor ...
yeah .. ~
she suffer jor many days .. she damn emo tat few days ...
bt nw .. ya ... she walk through tat , I think ~
luv ya ~

my miz Angela .. aiks .. duno her la ...
so stupid ... bufday wan Gucci bag d ma ..
y nw becum Hello Kitty d ? haha !
"kek sei " her !
ok la .. me will order da cute cupcake for u as ur bufday present ..
nice mou ? bt ... wait ya ... wait i got $ 1st ! hah !

and em ... kinda ok ~
jus wanna say : dont look at em lik tat , i dint owe u anythgs ...
is u 2 owe em .. u 2 betray em ...i dint even angry u , i still treat u as fren ,
if nt i quit , u will get wat u wan nw ? u should thx em lotsa ....
and the truth .. haha .. let it be em and my babes secret !

P.S : thx dear .. take k em lotsa ...
        promise u again , wont let u worry anymore ...
        :) i wont "yai yai" jor lar ~

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I seem to hav grown up ...

Nw .. i jus knw ...

Wait him , is a wrong choice ...

A stupid action ..

Mayb is cos tat nite ..

Im nt willing to let go at tat moment ...

childish thinking rite ?

I will nt be persistent for tat nite ... anymore

His touch , his kiss , his hug ...

I will 4gt it ..

and the way he said I love U , i oso will 4gt it ..

No point to keep in my heart ..

IM kinda free after i tel him : im nt goin to wait u ...


i  will find a better guy ... to be my lover

I deserve a gud guy . i deserve to d loved ... tis is wat u told me ...
( i lik it )

Sunday, September 26, 2010


early morning 10am my hp rang ...

dear date me go out take breakfast ...

bt .. i promise jor mummy accom daddy take breakfast ...

so ... i reject jor him ~

whn i breakfast-ing , Angela call me

" ooi , free anot ? go out yam cha lorh .. " -Angela

" go whr ooh ? " -Inez

" starbuck lorh ~ " -Angela

" erm , c hw 1st .. call u later " -Inez

" call my house phone ya " -Angela

" expensive lah ! on ur hp lar ! " -Inez

" ok ok ~ " - Angela

after that , Jane call me ( fuyoh .. )

" ello ? " -Inez

" eii ! y yesterday JJ gt go d ~? " -Jane

" go study la us ..add math " -Inez

" huh ? reali ah ? " -Jane

" yala .. laptop infront book beside ma ...~ " -Inez

" aiyooooo... " -Jane

" u lar .. ask u cum bt u duwan ooo ... later wan cum out anot ? " -Inez

" go whr ? " -Jane

" starbuck wor , angela say wan go yam cha wor " -Inez

" duwan lar ..." (same as my prediction ) -Jane

" ok lor ..nvm thn ~ " -Inez

" enla..bye bye .." -Jane

" bye " -Inez

( actually i planning wan go library find dear .. and take lunch v him d )

so .. i gotta plan again ..

dada ! so smart ah me ~

1st , i text my dear , tell him i will take lunch wit him , bt place later jus tel him

thn , i text Angela , ask her think whr she wan to go ...

about 1pm i reach Angela's hs ... wait her change clothes ..

thn v go out .. on the way .. she say wan go Kenny ..

so , i ask her call dear and tel him da place ...

finally , v meet at Parkson , Kenny Roger's

whn i wanna park my car .. i duno hw to park it ...

JJ sit behind teach me .. " turn left .. turn right .. ahh ya .. ya .. move forward ... reverse lahh ! "

HE teach me hw to park it ... kinda pandai lo him !

bt .. he keep say me " ngong dutt " ! *swt*

yeah ~ nice plan ~

havin our sweeta time at thr ... ~ :)

Angela order lotsa thngs .. bt ! she cnt finish it ... ~ bazir-nya

about 2.45pm v left ...

dear and JJ go library .. I sent Angela hom and thn fetch my bro ..

reali nice whn hang-ing out v thm ~

(my dear , leng zai ? later he gonna kill me ) *haha

~ angela ~


although is late , bt i still celebrate it v my little cute cousin .

play candle wit him .....

nothing to say about tat , jus a few picca to represent it .

Saturday, September 25, 2010


alohaaaaa ~ inez here !

posting tis at 5.44pm

plan-ing take a short nap , cos im kinda headache !

bt , cnt sleep .. aiks ... so on computer

and talk non-sense at here again ..~


today woke up at 9am ... ergh ...~ early nia ...yesterday 3am jus slep ...

panda eyes cumin' out !

oh gosh ~

after preparing .. go out take breakfast !

"Bak kut teh " yummy yummy !

go Gold Pheonix trim my messy hair ...

^^ nice cut ! is neat nw ! lik it ....

thn i go station 1 wait for my dear ...

i reach thr early , and he is kinda tepat masa

reached at 12pm ... ( i lik his watch , Guess , nice )

v both bring our laptop to thr , on9 at station 1

after tat , 1 handsome boy walk in , JJ reached ...

( im suprise whn my dear tel me JJ oso cumin' join us )

at station 1 stay till 2.20pm ... thn v rush to Jusco .. cos the sky kinda black ... v fear it will rain later ..

on the way to Jusco , talk lotsa things wit him

" im the 1st gal ride in his car ! "
whn v wanna leave Jusco , gosh .. raining outside ... deAr's car n JJ's car park at outside ...

hw ? my gentle dear and JJ ran to JJ's car take umbrella for me ...

is sweet whn i see him do tat .. and he is wet ...! ( nw , he oso headache )

v both wet ~ HAHA  ...

next , to JJ's house ! vision heights , never heard tat before ...

wow .. his house ... BIG ! i lik his red little Volkswagen ! cute !

Dear brin me to BK MEWAH .. to hav a look thr ..

his friend all look at me wit their weird eyes ... ~

I  shy shy a...>.<

thn he send me bac ... ~

:) nice day wit dear and JJ

p.s : Mr . JJ , nextime .. dont scold me Stupid again

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Im posting tis .. Whn i had read all the news btw malay n chinese

I checked on9 , about what really happens in our country ...

Sad whn i read those news ... and articles ...

so .. i decided to giv out my own opinion at here .

My post is nt related with any sensitive issue , Jus my own opinion .

first . lets talk about Peristiwa 13 Mei .

This is a important event in the history of Malaysia , which is in connection with the Malays and Chinese people in Malaysia . This happen in 1969 . while , i havent come to this world . I do not knw what totally happened . I jus can get some information via the network . So , if u guys r interested in tis event u can check up by log in tis address : .
Learn from mistakes , Do not do it again and again .. This is related to the peace of our community ..
New generation lik us .. should not have to care about what happened before , jus keep moving , do not look back at what has happened .

Next , about Namewee .

well , he is a good singer with many many Creative things in his brain .
IM kinda Admire him ..
came out with his first song , < NEGARAKUKU>
erm .. Quite sensational ~
everyone get shocked whn a young guy stand out ,
giving out a song full which lyrics full of " comment " ..
tatime , my fisrt reaction was
is Amazing !
haha ..
bt .. tatime .. his song
led to a little bit of dissatisfaction ...
and .. luckily he was just warned by government 
~ phew ~
then , next song about our electrical power company ..
in tat video clip .. a bit rude ..
childen r nt encouraged to watch tis video !
and now ..
big case happened ..
he maybe charged in court ..
because of his latest Vidoe clip ..
which related with some sensitive issue ...
M'sia government seemed to make a harsh punishment for his action .
at here i just can bless for him .

ok , guys .. tis teach us wat ?
PLS , think before u do somethings ...
Namewee chosen to express his feeling by this way ...
at the end what happen ..
another guy pop out at Facebook ..
comin' out v a song to scold bac namewee ..
 then .. fight started .. will it be end ?
a good question ~

and many issue i cnt share at here bt
think ... live in the same country ..
Cooperation is very important ,
Bias should not exist .

while ,
i remembered my english teacher say tis :
 " our malaysia ppl  lik to say im a malay or im a chinese or im a indian .."
thn my teacher say :
" for me , i say , IM A MALAYSIAN "

ya ! we should shout out ; IM A MALAYSIAN !


WE should be Proud of it !

-by Inez

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today , a hot , boring , Thursday .

wake up at 1030am

Sore throat .. Cannot hold tat pain ..

Kind of like throwing up some blood ...

I've been drinking lotsa water ...

Ineffective !

ergh ... Very sick !

Don't wanna to talk , once i talk , its kill me .

Sore throat comin' wit cough ! AND THN flu ~

* faint *

every nite , cnt sleep well . another day ned go to school .

Tis kind of life is Torment-ing Me ~ !

Feel lik wanna cry ..

aiks .. weak Inez . useless Inez

Switch-ed off my Satio .. dun wanna contact v any1 ..

Cos im in a bad mood

and i wanna calm down my mind , relax myself , take enuff of rest ..

IF nt i will be Debacle !

Jus wanna apologize to some1 at here ..

- Im kinda sorry for tat nite attitude .. im kinda crazy tat nite , i know .. so sorry ..
Im too sick , and my mind is out of control ... i duno wat happen v me ..
maybe im jealous or maybe im oredi debacle .... hope u understand me ..
and hope u will fulfill ur promises ... Cos im kinda trust u . Now -
by Inez

Thursday, September 9, 2010


blog-ing time ~

here I cum ..

well .. tis 2days .. i faced many problem ..

Im being betray again .......

Nw i jus knw ...

Frens cnt b trusted ... exclude ... Sis ... Jane ...

i hate being betray ! i trusted U bt .. wat u doin ?! huh !

finally .. i jus can accept the fact ...

Because .. thats the onli way I comfort myself ...

luckly .. am nw at JB ...

so .. i cn run away from those annoying things for awhile ...

bt .. after that , bac to school , i hav to answer those ppl question ..

If u r reading my blog .. PLS ... school reopen .. dun ask me anything ..


tis few days .. i everyday drive the car go around ...

Shop-ing , go starbuck hav my own sweet time ...

i buy lotsa things .. bt .. why ? why tis time ... i cnt cheer up after shop-ing

If for last time ... i will b hapi bac after shop-ing ..

bt .. why ... tis time .. i cnt ?


watever ! nW i hav to enjoy my life at here , JB !

duwan think anymore !

my new shoe ! kinda lik it

webbie at starbuck !

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


ok .. am ponteng today ..

tomorrow oso ...

Stay at home online , frm 1000am till nw ~


bt .. stay at hom better thn go to school

School jus lik Hell

i dun lik school - frm da day I step into my secondary school !

U knw why ? i think u duno ..

I gonna tel u nw ..

1. School rule(s) - hate it much .. i need to cut my long hair to short hair !
    WTF ! i cry for my hair tatime ... Nails ... Cut if off til cant c da white region !
    wat ? hey .. crazy izit ?!

2. Student attitude - wat kind of little child nowadays produce by the adults !?!
    children nw r gettin idiot , pretenting lik a 17,18 yrs old whn they r jus 13,14 yrs old !
    OH MY GOSH ! memang tak tahan ..... * faint *

School make me crazy ..~

bt .. ok .. goin graduate 2months later ...

im free for 2months later !

ahemmmm ~

still gt wat to say ~

oohya ..

today , early in da morning , my Q Jane tan giv me a call

WTH ~ im sleeping u knw ?!

i 4giv her .. no give her any faul language

she say : ei , i tel u ar .. jus nw oo .. i saw yit you giv things to edmund le ... and i heard david ask him , who buy 4 u d a ? thn hor .. edmund say so loud , girlfriend la ! he lik scare i dint heard .. say so loud ...

( translate fom chinese )

thn i answer Jane say : thn u go infront him , tel him , ur gf cum so late o ? jia yen Bf  cum whn she broke up v u la  !

THN , me and Jane laugh together ! haha

wat a big joke ! ~

hey .. GUY .. i gonna tel u ~ if u have a gf nw .. i wont hav any feeling(s) .. cos .. (so sorry to say tat) .. u r nt important 4 me anymore  .. dun expect i will cry for tat ! i WONT .. cos .. u nt worth it ... KNW ? UNERSTAND ? dun do those stupid things anymore ~ by inez