Sunday, September 19, 2010


Im posting tis .. Whn i had read all the news btw malay n chinese

I checked on9 , about what really happens in our country ...

Sad whn i read those news ... and articles ...

so .. i decided to giv out my own opinion at here .

My post is nt related with any sensitive issue , Jus my own opinion .

first . lets talk about Peristiwa 13 Mei .

This is a important event in the history of Malaysia , which is in connection with the Malays and Chinese people in Malaysia . This happen in 1969 . while , i havent come to this world . I do not knw what totally happened . I jus can get some information via the network . So , if u guys r interested in tis event u can check up by log in tis address : .
Learn from mistakes , Do not do it again and again .. This is related to the peace of our community ..
New generation lik us .. should not have to care about what happened before , jus keep moving , do not look back at what has happened .

Next , about Namewee .

well , he is a good singer with many many Creative things in his brain .
IM kinda Admire him ..
came out with his first song , < NEGARAKUKU>
erm .. Quite sensational ~
everyone get shocked whn a young guy stand out ,
giving out a song full which lyrics full of " comment " ..
tatime , my fisrt reaction was
is Amazing !
haha ..
bt .. tatime .. his song
led to a little bit of dissatisfaction ...
and .. luckily he was just warned by government 
~ phew ~
then , next song about our electrical power company ..
in tat video clip .. a bit rude ..
childen r nt encouraged to watch tis video !
and now ..
big case happened ..
he maybe charged in court ..
because of his latest Vidoe clip ..
which related with some sensitive issue ...
M'sia government seemed to make a harsh punishment for his action .
at here i just can bless for him .

ok , guys .. tis teach us wat ?
PLS , think before u do somethings ...
Namewee chosen to express his feeling by this way ...
at the end what happen ..
another guy pop out at Facebook ..
comin' out v a song to scold bac namewee ..
 then .. fight started .. will it be end ?
a good question ~

and many issue i cnt share at here bt
think ... live in the same country ..
Cooperation is very important ,
Bias should not exist .

while ,
i remembered my english teacher say tis :
 " our malaysia ppl  lik to say im a malay or im a chinese or im a indian .."
thn my teacher say :
" for me , i say , IM A MALAYSIAN "

ya ! we should shout out ; IM A MALAYSIAN !


WE should be Proud of it !

-by Inez

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