Sunday, January 9, 2011


kinda long time i dint update my blog~

hw r u guys?

im busy wit my work....

work as sea survey.....strange work,rite? a staff of sea survey,we hav to examine log(log of the level of sea bed),as a new staff,im doin tis hard work...

hav to make a drawing of the crest and the trough of sea bed according to the graph....a survey area used up almost 1week to finish it....

cos im new,so..speed a bit slow...thn have to plot the survey area,make report.....(i havent learn to plot the survey area)

HARD work...~tis work giving me lotsa stress...

cos nw every jobs are urgent...have to finish it as fast as time to rest.....lack of sleep everyday...panda eyes @.@

STRESS~~~i hope to go bac to wit my bou buii dear..miss him lotsa...and also my sista,Jane tan....*hey..worried bout u...,sis*

i Stay at Johor,work at Singapore,so every morning i hav to get up at 5pm to wash up,make up and change clothes...thn 5.30pm hav to leave home....

why so early?ok...cos...customs lotsa carssssss~stuck at thr for almost 1hour(JB customs add Spore customs)...

so..i will take my time and sleep in the car...back frm Spore to Jb also....

i knw im a bit piggy but..i cnt control my dad's car full of small pillow~

nw i stay at Jb and work at Spore,less time for me to contact or accom dear...

IM so Sorry,dear....

gosh~my skin is getting dry....everyday stay under air-cond~start peeling nw~hw hw hw?!

oh yeah!i finally perm my hair!nt very like it....have to re-perm it 1more time~

and tat hair stylish keep on ask me dye my hair...."NO WAY" i lik my hair colour!black wit a bit copper brown :)

my friends all have colour on their hair...i lik to call them "gam mou"!

my dear oso...i called him "gam mou zai"!

hw r u all my friends?missing u all....


  1. I am alright already,don't worry.take good care yea you.....

  2. ok ok...fong sam~~~ :) u take k oso~muackz~
