Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!!!

today is the 1st day of  2011!!!

here,im wishing everyone to hav a happy life in the year of 2011....



new year eve...and also the big day of Mr.lee and me....

he is cum'ing my hom for dinner!

invited by my mom!

Before we go out.....he met wit my parents....

Thn my mom throw us tis "if got cum bac take dinner thn call me ya.."

gosh.....we both kinda panic.....

forget bout it....enjoy our time 1st..~

1st...we go to his aunty's house visit his dogie..LISA

thn go to JAne's house fetch her to Angela's house..

whn we reached Angela's house,dear very kesian!Misty keep bully him...

After tat....Movie wit dear...

The Tourist

not bad...we both froozen in the cinema!


thn fetch my brother....

together go hom take Dinner~~~ kinda nervous!!!

but.....the dinner pass peacefully!!

thx God!

we had our time after dinner at station 1....

bac to my hom at 10.30pm.....till 11.05pm he jus leave...


P.S : my words for today......

tis is the 1st new year eve tat i pass wit my bf...

thx dear for giving me all the sweets time...

i lik the feeling when u hold my hand wit ur warm,big hand.....

i really lik it.....

i lik u "hey" me whn u saw i touch my nose....

i lik u pinch my cheek softly whn i notty...

i lik ur expression tat u giv me whn i bully u.... luckily tat u r accepted by my parents....

for a "if" they dont accept u..i still will together wit u

cos i cant find another guy to replace u....

i cant promise u tat we will together "forever"

cos "forever" is too fairy tale for me.....

but the promises tat i can giv u is...i will love u as much as i cn.....

im goin spore for 1month...ya..i knw wat u wanna tel me jus nw....

-pack ur thgs,go thr mus take care,must drink water,take ur meals...dun touch ur nose.....-

u wanna tel me all tis right??

dear!i will d worries k?

i duwan u say it out cos i knw i will drop my tears down infront of u.....

if tat happen,u will sad too...right....?so.....better dun say it out...

i knw by my heart :)

love u much..~

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