Friday, May 20, 2011


well.....have ur lunch????if havent,just go and grab ur lunch now...dont get hungry~~

haha...a lil' concern for u,my reader...

doing nothing, so i'm here to have a lil' small post here..

miss my bed now...kinda class till 6pm...ergh~~~

already 2days dint go bro will miss me....will him?* i dont think so

he dont like me....i nag him,always....i think i should say, he hate-s me~

whatever, we born to be lik that, thats our way to communicate...

as lady gaga song " BORN THIS WAY"..haha..

oh shit....1 black men pass by...with Harry Potter's coat...

hey boy, are u okay????i feel kinda hot!!!and you are wearing...???

>.< time to purchase a new laptop...

My Dell Inspiron 14R...pls wait for me..i'll bring u home later..

hate charlena damn much!!ish....she get an Acer....and i hate her cos she dint wait for me!!

promise to grab a twins but now...she throw me aside and get herself a new laptop without inform me....!!!

kawan ke??!


Sweet to have my hubbii boy beside me every morning when i woke up..

he caught my 1st eyes sight every morning~and is sweet..

tidy up my "hang-ing" hair with  his finger....

although the weather is hot, but the warmth he gave is- sweet :) 

love u MR.mj

ish....geli =.=!!!

my words kinda disgusting...olekkk

dun chok ur rice ya :)

today is 20th of may

520, told by my college mate this morning......
(chinese youngster will konw the mean :0 )

if u wish to know the meaning of 520,leave me a message...

not going to explain at here

seriously and honestly, i did not remember all this childish stupid things (sorry to say so)

i just remember my bday, 28 of may

and im waiting for the celebration

hiak hiak hiak * devil smile *

but, there is a replacement of mathematical studies on the same day..

what? im going to absent if this is pls...

no class on my bday okay?!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Im not in that mood,

 not feel like wanna talk with any1..

not feel like going anywhere

not feel like........


hate this


shut down

ignore this post pls..

non sense


having wesak mates are going to have movie,but im now doing ntg at home :(

not in that mood...if i tell u guys,im preparing for tomorow maths test, will u believe?

h a h a....well.....finished all my revision yesterday....till 3am....and i woke up at 9.30 today...

such a crazy thing that i always did since i started college 2 months already used to it...

i love to assignment...fb....revision at midnight...WHY?every1 fall asleep..damn quiet~~love it...

desktop having big problem....fell like wanna kill my brother and chop him into pieces...

went to P.Dickson last saturday....the anniversary for my boy and me...5 months...

ya....not a long period buut is a sweet period.....27days more,will be 6months/half year.. time to prepare the present for my HIM

oh ya...dun skip it, about the PD trip..

is nice....Charlene,Sarvin and our new member,Vincent(cousin of my boy) are going with us...

have dinner at Seaview Restaurant.....nt very happy with our dinner....

as  my college mate said, the foods are suckish and expensive


night at SS2,era walk...

4 buckets of carlsberg...

5 crazy people....

with Sarvin words : we are young!

so....just enjoy the time...

drink till drunk...shout till lost....boom with music....this is the night....the fantastic night...

can every weekend be like this???i hope..~

is sad...back to my workssss after the happy weekend with buddies~

...IS sad...when....aiks...something happen and.....we cant even spell a word....

what for telling so much,....and the person dun get what u want or what u mean......

just wasting ur energy....and wasting ur "water"........

if u wanna go through all the pix(s),check in my FB profile :)

IM so sorry...that have been a long time i dint update my blog..

kinda busy with all my works...

semester exam just around the corner.....

have to work hard on it.......

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

LIFE WiTH.. wednesday....

Class start at 12pm.... now still hide in my house...a bit bit lazy to go to school...

well....2mrw class all off...same to my hubb :) happy!

last saturday....amazing saturday..

why? haha...let's start the story... rush for my research proposal....slept at 6am..

cool ~.~ and woke up at 11.30am..

between that some1 called me at 9.30am

feel like wanna kill her...ish...


hubb came to my house sumthing....

then we went out for lunch...

i skipped my breakfast...cause after i woke up...i continue my work....

my lil stomach was making noise...HUngry nia...

Fish market..!! have a plate of Pasta in Sea...

my boy..with his lunch..
yum yum...i finished my plate!!!! wohoo... 1st time..~

beside our table...a papa with his 2 lil princess..

owh..~ so sweet...

after that..home!

night have dinner with relatives..celebrate Mother's Day...

early right??? mum have to work on that day...

pity.. :(

we went to Tanjung Sepat....erm..near Sepang...

if u guys are interested with seafood..u can google search it...

used up 1 hour to reach our destination...long journey...

nevermind....think bout those yummy foods..

is worth....

we planned for crab,fish,shrimp..bla bla bla..

Plan gone..!!!!!when we reached thr...already 7.30pm...


gosh...luckily i took my lunch..if not..i will die at thr~~!

and disappointed!!!!!!

my crab gone!!!my fish gone!!my shrimp gone also!!!!

so...we just change place to have dinner...

SAD....sad SAD

Mention here: hubby boy go with us :)

he was bullied by Misty au..

and as her Girlfriend...i sure have to protect him..

hahaha...sound like im the boy boy and he is the gal gal...

mama...the best woman in my life!!


love her..!