Friday, May 20, 2011


well.....have ur lunch????if havent,just go and grab ur lunch now...dont get hungry~~

haha...a lil' concern for u,my reader...

doing nothing, so i'm here to have a lil' small post here..

miss my bed now...kinda class till 6pm...ergh~~~

already 2days dint go bro will miss me....will him?* i dont think so

he dont like me....i nag him,always....i think i should say, he hate-s me~

whatever, we born to be lik that, thats our way to communicate...

as lady gaga song " BORN THIS WAY"..haha..

oh shit....1 black men pass by...with Harry Potter's coat...

hey boy, are u okay????i feel kinda hot!!!and you are wearing...???

>.< time to purchase a new laptop...

My Dell Inspiron 14R...pls wait for me..i'll bring u home later..

hate charlena damn much!!ish....she get an Acer....and i hate her cos she dint wait for me!!

promise to grab a twins but now...she throw me aside and get herself a new laptop without inform me....!!!

kawan ke??!


Sweet to have my hubbii boy beside me every morning when i woke up..

he caught my 1st eyes sight every morning~and is sweet..

tidy up my "hang-ing" hair with  his finger....

although the weather is hot, but the warmth he gave is- sweet :) 

love u MR.mj

ish....geli =.=!!!

my words kinda disgusting...olekkk

dun chok ur rice ya :)

today is 20th of may

520, told by my college mate this morning......
(chinese youngster will konw the mean :0 )

if u wish to know the meaning of 520,leave me a message...

not going to explain at here

seriously and honestly, i did not remember all this childish stupid things (sorry to say so)

i just remember my bday, 28 of may

and im waiting for the celebration

hiak hiak hiak * devil smile *

but, there is a replacement of mathematical studies on the same day..

what? im going to absent if this is pls...

no class on my bday okay?!

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