Wednesday, May 4, 2011

LIFE WiTH.. wednesday....

Class start at 12pm.... now still hide in my house...a bit bit lazy to go to school...

well....2mrw class all off...same to my hubb :) happy!

last saturday....amazing saturday..

why? haha...let's start the story... rush for my research proposal....slept at 6am..

cool ~.~ and woke up at 11.30am..

between that some1 called me at 9.30am

feel like wanna kill her...ish...


hubb came to my house sumthing....

then we went out for lunch...

i skipped my breakfast...cause after i woke up...i continue my work....

my lil stomach was making noise...HUngry nia...

Fish market..!! have a plate of Pasta in Sea...

my boy..with his lunch..
yum yum...i finished my plate!!!! wohoo... 1st time..~

beside our table...a papa with his 2 lil princess..

owh..~ so sweet...

after that..home!

night have dinner with relatives..celebrate Mother's Day...

early right??? mum have to work on that day...

pity.. :(

we went to Tanjung Sepat....erm..near Sepang...

if u guys are interested with seafood..u can google search it...

used up 1 hour to reach our destination...long journey...

nevermind....think bout those yummy foods..

is worth....

we planned for crab,fish,shrimp..bla bla bla..

Plan gone..!!!!!when we reached thr...already 7.30pm...


gosh...luckily i took my lunch..if not..i will die at thr~~!

and disappointed!!!!!!

my crab gone!!!my fish gone!!my shrimp gone also!!!!

so...we just change place to have dinner...

SAD....sad SAD

Mention here: hubby boy go with us :)

he was bullied by Misty au..

and as her Girlfriend...i sure have to protect him..

hahaha...sound like im the boy boy and he is the gal gal...

mama...the best woman in my life!!


love her..!

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