Tuesday, May 17, 2011


having wesak holiday.....college mates are going to have movie,but im now doing ntg at home :(

not in that mood...if i tell u guys,im preparing for tomorow maths test, will u believe?

h a h a....well.....finished all my revision yesterday....till 3am....and i woke up at 9.30 today...

such a crazy thing that i always did since i started college 2 months ago....im already used to it...

i love to study...do assignment...fb....revision at midnight...WHY?every1 fall asleep..damn quiet~~love it...

desktop having big problem....fell like wanna kill my brother and chop him into pieces...

went to P.Dickson last saturday....the anniversary for my boy and me...5 months...

ya....not a long period buut is a sweet period.....27days more,will be 6months/half year..

hmm......is time to prepare the present for my HIM

oh ya...dun skip it, about the PD trip..

is nice....Charlene,Sarvin and our new member,Vincent(cousin of my boy) are going with us...

have dinner at Seaview Restaurant.....nt very happy with our dinner....

as  my college mate said, the foods are suckish and expensive


night at SS2,era walk...

4 buckets of carlsberg...

5 crazy people....

with Sarvin words : we are young!

so....just enjoy the time...

drink till drunk...shout till lost....boom with music....this is the night....the fantastic night...

can every weekend be like this???i hope..~

is sad...back to my workssss after the happy weekend with buddies~

...IS sad...when....aiks...something happen and.....we cant even spell a word....

what for telling so much,....and the person dun get what u want or what u mean......

just wasting ur energy....and wasting ur "water"........

if u wanna go through all the pix(s),check in my FB profile :)


IM so sorry...that have been a long time i dint update my blog..

kinda busy with all my works...

semester exam just around the corner.....

have to work hard on it.......

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