Saturday, July 30, 2011


time to make a conclusion for today

1 word, HAPPY!

morning have dim sum with all my beloved~

dad,mum,bro and baby boy...

after that,went to Subang Jaya

visited my baby girl,Charlene at Sime Darby Medical Center ~~~miss her so much

well,.Patient always get thin and thinner...

but, she is getting fat and fatter... OMG.. never mind la....

that's mean she is fine...*phew~~~

get well faster~~i bring you go shopping :)


went to sunway pyramid..

PADINI is having SALES!!!

yes!!! STORE WIDE 50% discount!!!

what 'cha waiting for?!

grab your purse and crazy in PADINI!!!

fast!!!sales till 31st of July!!


u like ribbon?

yes, i like!!!

match with a hot pants, owh...*hot*

how about....

" waiting for the perfect boy"

printed T-shirt :)

wear with skinny jeans, oh~~nice~~

bought it just because the words and the color

i don't have a green T..pity :(

earring!! baby boy choose for me~ 

 i like!!

VINCCI slippers

Besides that,

shirt for my daddy, 

so young huh???

i like it so much

don't wear like a uncle,daddy...

ask baby boy buy it, but he dont like..

never mind, get for daddy XD

earring for mummy

and also BB cream with spf 30/pa++ from ETUDE HOUSE

well, Etude House is having promotion too

till 31st July also....

and i won't forget my bro..

printed T-shirt for him..

he need more shirts. poor guy.

baby boy bought 2 T shirt also...

:) nice 1...especially the brown T

IM broke!!!

used almost RM170 in 2 hours time

tired..time to sleep

leave the money problem for tomorrow...  :'(



Monday, July 25, 2011


Time to blog...well..I'm not that free...still rushing for chemistry report...

random error?systematic error?accuracy?precise? leave it leave it...brain juice running dry..

have to rest...meanwhile, i dont wanna waste my to blog~

Do You Ever Think That Your life Is tough? Yes, i did

Do You Ever Think That Your life Is far from Perfect? Yes, i did

Have You Ever Complained 'bout your life? Yes, i had

But when i get the letter of donation from World Vision, i think my life is perfect.

i have a very responsible daddy....He paid a lot for this Home...The "paid" mean his love...

He would give me what i want...if he can effort it...My life is perfect..because i have him as my daddy..

i have a very nice mommy....She takes care us. my bro and me....She paid a lot for this Home too...

She is a 100marks mommy....She often go shopping with me...We have infinity topics to chat with..

My life is perfect, because i have this superwoman as my mom...

Although my bro is not that smart, i still sayang...he does not appreciate my nag(s)..he hate it soo much

but what i did, just for his own good...1 day...he will know :) and hope that time he will say " jie jie,thx ya"

haha!!! My life is prefect!!!

New character in my life, Mr.Lee a.k.a Hubbii boy....he loves me...he cares me...he prepares everything for me....

Before we nothing...and his everything..he is my everything too....

:] shout out loud! my life is prefect!!!!

I love!!!!!

compare with those unfortunate life is totally perfect..

i do not have a dad who print money, nevermind, my dad is superman

i do not have a mom who open bank, nevermind, my mom is superwoman

i do not have a smart brother, nevermind, my bro is perfect cracked pot
( do read the story with title: The story of cracked pot,For Anyone who's not quite perfect )

i do not have a boyfriend with BMW or Volksvagen, nevermind, my boy is super boyfriend

my life is perfect...

your life is perfect when u face problems, dont cry, dont complaint...

This is the test from God, if u can go through it, then YOU ARE THE BEST... optimistic...


Friday, July 22, 2011


oh dear...finally i have time to blog!!!

okay..busy again...assignment.. homework....reports...ergh..

leave all those annoying things behind for a few minutes....i need some time to rest..

finally i own a new laptop...i called it lappie...*act cute XP

HP 430 from my dearest daddy....thanks....

i will take good care of it :) muacks~

2days ago....i told mom..." I faced a lots of stress"

mom- " u think you are the only one have stress?''

my dad-'' i keep pay for all the things, i lagi stress!''

I laugh non stop....ok ok...from now..i will start to be a good girl~no wasting money :)

4months to go...i mean my final exam...

have to start my revision....

i dont wanna die in the exam hall :(

my dear also...we both have our final at NOVEMBER..

pity us...

*tadaa....pix of us

love my dear...

already 7 months...haha..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This so so so sleepy...not enough of rest...

so..later have to take a short nap...and continue the war with my books :)

Okay...i guess u guys are waiting for the news of my baby girl.charlene

well....she is alright now...i visited her yesterday...

she still under observation...lying on the bed..she is  very weak....

pls dont disturb phone call no visit.....she need to rest.....thx

for those who still wondering what's happened, here is your

 answer------>my baby girl involved in an accident....

happened so suddenly...

charlene tan will never give up her life...god've be with me ysterday for the tough time....he set an angel beside me:)-charlene tan

Bless for her....

im here waiting you come sorry...i cant share your pain...
my heart was broke when i saw u on the i just realize...u r not only my best friend..
you are my sister..

addition: for those who are trying to take her condition to make news or other things,please stop....hypocrites

the time of US

Friday, July 8, 2011


ignore my title...nothing to do with my post here

just some alien words...i failed to think a title for this..

today's post is too Rojak!

poor like goes where? used up?

mama complained: wardrobe almost explode...

mama...dont like this please...everyday have to prepare well to school ma..

so clothes are all I need !

The BANANE-i want!! perhaps next year i can get 1 for myself.. :)
spot the purple Banane....owh!banyak suka!

have to study hard hard hard!!

semester exam's reult really sucks!

yes..betul betul la...

is S.U.C.K

HOW how HOW..


why doremon not mine :(

if doremon is mine..

then i can get a Banane and hondy city and good result and money and..........etc!!

wake up la./././

stop dreaming....