Friday, July 22, 2011


oh dear...finally i have time to blog!!!

okay..busy again...assignment.. homework....reports...ergh..

leave all those annoying things behind for a few minutes....i need some time to rest..

finally i own a new laptop...i called it lappie...*act cute XP

HP 430 from my dearest daddy....thanks....

i will take good care of it :) muacks~

2days ago....i told mom..." I faced a lots of stress"

mom- " u think you are the only one have stress?''

my dad-'' i keep pay for all the things, i lagi stress!''

I laugh non stop....ok ok...from now..i will start to be a good girl~no wasting money :)

4months to go...i mean my final exam...

have to start my revision....

i dont wanna die in the exam hall :(

my dear also...we both have our final at NOVEMBER..

pity us...

*tadaa....pix of us

love my dear...

already 7 months...haha..

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