Monday, July 25, 2011


Time to blog...well..I'm not that free...still rushing for chemistry report...

random error?systematic error?accuracy?precise? leave it leave it...brain juice running dry..

have to rest...meanwhile, i dont wanna waste my to blog~

Do You Ever Think That Your life Is tough? Yes, i did

Do You Ever Think That Your life Is far from Perfect? Yes, i did

Have You Ever Complained 'bout your life? Yes, i had

But when i get the letter of donation from World Vision, i think my life is perfect.

i have a very responsible daddy....He paid a lot for this Home...The "paid" mean his love...

He would give me what i want...if he can effort it...My life is perfect..because i have him as my daddy..

i have a very nice mommy....She takes care us. my bro and me....She paid a lot for this Home too...

She is a 100marks mommy....She often go shopping with me...We have infinity topics to chat with..

My life is perfect, because i have this superwoman as my mom...

Although my bro is not that smart, i still sayang...he does not appreciate my nag(s)..he hate it soo much

but what i did, just for his own good...1 day...he will know :) and hope that time he will say " jie jie,thx ya"

haha!!! My life is prefect!!!

New character in my life, Mr.Lee a.k.a Hubbii boy....he loves me...he cares me...he prepares everything for me....

Before we nothing...and his everything..he is my everything too....

:] shout out loud! my life is prefect!!!!

I love!!!!!

compare with those unfortunate life is totally perfect..

i do not have a dad who print money, nevermind, my dad is superman

i do not have a mom who open bank, nevermind, my mom is superwoman

i do not have a smart brother, nevermind, my bro is perfect cracked pot
( do read the story with title: The story of cracked pot,For Anyone who's not quite perfect )

i do not have a boyfriend with BMW or Volksvagen, nevermind, my boy is super boyfriend

my life is perfect...

your life is perfect when u face problems, dont cry, dont complaint...

This is the test from God, if u can go through it, then YOU ARE THE BEST... optimistic...


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