Saturday, November 12, 2011


IS November !!! 

say bye bye to foundation, im off from foundation now..

life with SAM ( South Australian Matriculation ) is finally come to the end

8 months just fly off like that... so fast!! 

chemistry, physics, biology, mathematical studies, english as second language...bye bye to all this subject

waiting for the result, estimated will be out at x'mas.....still can go on with my holiday x'mas plan? 

 went to JOGOYA Restaurant..with my 2 lovely course mates....spent 2 hours at there for lunch 

in that 2 hours, we were eating all the time...yes...eating for 2hours, non stop...

table 37 

the carbonara .. must try!! 

dessert , spot the yummy Haagen Dazs !

after that, went to Pavilion before head to Time Square met with my beloved  

is holiday now..omg..start to feed myself with snacks

no fat no fat...

I will do more exercise :) 

hardworking girl is here 

haha XD 

-     INEZ YEN -

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