Wednesday, December 26, 2012


they are all my friends, some are from primary school till secondary school, and now, we are still in contact

the bond never breaks. 

that night, we have a gathering also party for xmas eve. for god sake, i hosted it and it is successful, damn stress la, 
i have all the last minute work done: reserving a table, gather the people, confirmation..etc...

so glad they all can make it especially my bff, the girl next beside me. the guy  beside her is her boyfriend. first joining us.

i didnt take much pictures, too happy and phone's battery dried. 

have our happy time at Brugge, uptown s2, seremban. 

this is the first round, finished 6 buckets of carlsberg there, 

and next, chilled at my place with hard liqour. 

one friend down, and few half way to drunk. my boy also drunk la..totally drunk like a death fish

he can't remembered how he went on the bed 

i was like kissing him and told him "merry xmas" 

and he replied "mmmmrrryy masss" 

spoilted, and i laughed. 

and when he woke up at the..erm...halfway la, because we slept at 5am, can't consider at midnight
he wants to hug me, he said he makes sure is me first only he hugs me
because he has no memory at all, he scares he sleeps with other girl, how cute...

mint color denim match with white singlet
studded shorts love...lace necklace 

my xmas present from bff! 


owh, xmas just passed, counting down 5 more days to new year...

Total 2 events for xmas week. first is the xmas dinner and second, night with friends *hope i mange to post it later. 

here with the xmas dinner at Starz Restaurant, Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore. 

is a buffet style restaurant. the environment is not bad, and the foods are nice also. 

this xmas dinner is actually, my mom's company xmas dinner. my bro and me are invited, so, i tagged along my boy to accompany me.
 I talk very less with my brother. okay la. we don't even talk at home, complicated relation. So, i must bring my boy with me la. So that, i won't get bored. Superb worry to attend this kind of event, everyone are older than me, i scare i can't find any topic to talk with them. 

we got a room at V hotel, Singapore. because we don't feel like going back to johor ( we got a house at johor, fyi) or seremban. so damn tiring la if my dad have to drive back home all the way from Singapore  some more he drinks a lot of hard liquor. 

inez's mama and inez's papa
my dad is always that cool one la
never never never smile one
i already used to it.. lol 

here to introduce you guys, mr mj 
stupid boy stand up there and said " superman is here" 
and also " siak si wo, the glass is moving." 

as u can see in this picture, this room have one queen size bed and one single size bed
my brother, boy and me slept on the queen size bed 
dad and mom slept on the single size bed..
for two days one night, it cost us SD 150 ++ 
actually the location of this V Hotel is not bad, 
Lavender mrt station is just at the GF ( ground floor). 
so, we ( mom, bro, boy and me) took the mrt to bugis instead of driving
so so so convenient la

the bathroom, quite big leh, 
lastime, i went to singapore with my bff, charlene
we got a room at Hotel 81 Bugis
the bathroom is superb small la
compare to this, this one is bigger la
but my mom still complained it is small

full body mirror, lcd tv monitor, table with chair

quite nice right, some more got a nice view eh, not bad la for budget hotel..

do we look alike? lol...

my korean baby boy and me, his shirt xmas enough? Aztec xmas la
i bought 

my first plate: snow crab, soba noodles with Hontsuyu and clam

second plate: roasted potato with rosemary, roasted veggie and roasted lamb ham

this special fresh prawn: not in the menu, but it is FOC!
the story: before the company decided to dine at Starz Restaurant, actually we compared the menu with another restaurant at Marina Bay Sands. 
we found that the menu at Starz is better than Marina because they have turkey and drunken prawn la
special on xmas period..
but, when we reached there, no turkey! no prawn! 
my mom told the manager : i quite disappointed. 
and then..da da...we have this :) so yummy so fresh...

third: indian corner: fried rice, curry veggie, lamb and the crunchy thingy (idk the name) 

forth: Signature mini burger with creamy mushroom soup

my dessert plate! mini muffins come with two flavours ( chocolate and blueberry) 
New York cheese 
egg tart
berry yogurt 
fresh pineapple
and lemonchella sorbet 

so, my dinner ends with *burg

:) lil stomach :) 

next, chill with chivas and black label, we off! 
dad and mom decided to go casino, so...we spent one hour at sentosa do nothing

come with some cam-whore

again, boy and me...
i think i have a handsome boyfriend la
if you guys are not agree is ok 
u have the rights, but
he is my world :0 
he is great :) 

me, pretty? lol! 

so awkward la when took this picture, i wore damn sexy (the dress is da lu bei eh: back cut out dress) 
and standing there took this picture, all the tourists are look at me 
so damn awkward la..

last, OOTN 

Monday, December 17, 2012


few days before, is our (boy and me) anniversary. Not really remember it. so i prepare nothing la. bad la this girlfriend.  He never fails to remember it. and always, never fails to surprise me. 

that day, i mean 14-12-2012 . back to two years- 14-12-2010, is the day we have our story started. 

ok la, let me tell you how he got me 

i still remembered, we are secondary five that year. having our SPM (secondary final) on that month (December) 

we both taking same subjects, but we are from different secondary. on 14-12-2010. we had our last subject, Chinese. 

He is a good boy, he had a promise with his mother, that is never have girlfriend when he still at secondary. He will only have girlfriend after secondary. 

Boy and me are old friend. We knew each other when standard five. Also, we are not from same primary. Just same tuition. Like usual boy will do, he always bully me. fuck him. lol. As return, he always had bruise on his hand. Girl not means for bully, ok?  

after standard six, we lost contact, until primary five. We met again at another tuition. LOL, TUITION? 

that time, he had complicate with a girl. also, i have mine with a bastard. Don't know what happened, we started to text. he used to text me and i used to neglect his message. lol. because i have no idea what to do with him and the bastard, until. i fuck the bastard out of my life. and i started to work hard on my study. 

i started to hang out with him, and okay, started to reply him. like usual friend la. 

also, don't know what happened, i start to fall in love with him. i think is because the raining scene. 

the day we hung out-raining-he-rushed-to-car-take-umbrella-for-me. ok la. romantic enough. and..he got

he asked me can i be his girlfriend after exam? i answered: talk about it after exam. so damn cool. lol 

aiya. you can guess the answer la. we now are together. for already two years. 


after two years-surprise never stop. 

this year. without my consent. he prepared me a bouquet.


that day i went for gynae check up. after check up, went back for dating preparation. 

 here is me: 

and then, planned to have our early lunch at Manhantten Fish Market. 

that time i am craving for their new baked fish. 

before that, boy suddenly said, i think we should go to the florist to have a look when we have our breakfast
me: why?
boy: for my mom. i think i should buy her a bouquet as birthday present. 
me: when is her bday?
boy: end of month. 
me: walao. not worth la. flower die damn easy. should buy clothes or something that can be used always.
me: aiya, never mind la.  go have a look la, as u like. 

when we reached florist.
me: what kind of flower u want?
boy: this? *point at a random plastic flower
me: what?!
suddenly, the florist assistant said: mr lee right? 
me: fuck, what u did? * when i got shock by the assistant and i saw a purple bouquet 
boy: *smile
then, the assistant pass me the bouquet and said: this must be yours
me: .... *tears rolling in my eyes like i am going to cry out loud and look at her like a stupid

this is mine; so surprise with the purple roses. i like it so damn much
Thank you

after walk out the florist, i scolded him and i said: why u waste this kind of money, so damn waste. then i CRIED in public. Many people looked at me. The florist is located at uptown S2, beside papparich. The renovation of that florist is so damn high class la, confirm the bouquet is damn expensive. 

then, have our lunch. i asked mr. lee: why u don't present the bouquet to me at now, more people see it ma. so damn expensive eh, should let more people to see it. LOL 

A pic of me with the flower: 

AZTEC dress from sg wang
beige heels from bugis street 

And, a pic of us: 

hello, boy. Thank you for everything. 
the best thing for me is you are always beside me
also, always fight with me. 
ok la, i just love to pick something to fight with you. 
so, just bear with it la. my pattern ma

I love you <3 


with the four tickets, i went to the festival with my boy, his brother and cousin. 

reached there superb early, around 6.15pm 

not much people there when we reach, so we was guessing no one will coming la..since not much people ma..

then, found a place to sit down and chit chat while waiting it to start. 

and then, great thing happened, the sky decided to give us some moisture. It's rained. wtf

Run like hell, to get some shield. Luckily, they did prepare raincoat for us! and i got myself a pink one, lol..

Smile like a happy kid. 

It started quite late, around 7.30pm? 

whatever la, it's late. First with Jakeman and Skeletor to warm the crowd up.

You know, they never fail. The heat continue with MIZZ NINA 

took none of her picture, because i forgot. until Bobby Ray a.k.a B.O.B 

he brought his rapping and also, performed his talent on piano. i have no idea he knows piano that well. i thought he only knows rapping. thumbs up. both thumbs. lol 

kinda tired and feel like go home at the halfway. Standing there for almost 2 hours plus eh. 

boy told, is very sayang if leave now. far east movement later eh. 

uhm..okay..JUST WAIT. and i said, ok lo... after one song then leave kay? with superb innocent eyes. 

The B.O.B's part is superb long, like one hour plus? just, superb long la...

finally, i managed to wait for them, the Far East Movement. 

well planned. Watson can guess we all are only waiting for Far East Movement. So they put them at last? 

IDK?? as i said, after one song, i leave. kinda disappointed eh..

i didn't take much pictures. and here is me on that day 

with Watson's banner at the back 

Leapord printed meow ears hairband
casual shorts 
SUMMIT sandals 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


is time to party rock!I just got 4 tickets for the Watson Music Festival! 

i have been Watson Member for one year, always looking forward their best promotion or Watson member card day

how can i live without Watson? they have all i need..

cosmetic, daily used products, medicine, can get whatever you need at there... except, raw

Now, Watson has bring some surprise for the members again! 

what's that?! Is Watson Music Festival! 

Yes, Watson Music Festival featuring BoB, Far East Movement and Mizz Nina! 

let me show your my tickets!

you jelly? 

laugh out loud! 

are you Watson VIP card holder ?

NOPE ! ? 

Purchase and Register your Watson VIP card at any retail Watson 

Spend RM60 inclusive of participating brands

Redeem 2 tickets for 100 points! 

is that easy? 

yes, super duper easy right!? 

grab yours now, don't wait anymore <3 

happening next saturday, 15 Dec 2012, 
7 pm at Stadium Merdeka 

see ya!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Listening to some random song, doing my assignment, brain stuck. 
Let me rest a while to go further.

saw my new header? is my photo from second shooting at melaka. 

I love this photo, as the colors are so fantastic. 
my beloved non stop praising. 

Let me post some nice photos :) 

Monday, October 22, 2012


This entry is going to be a mixed. Because. IDK what to update. Since recently i did nothing special.

Dig some photos out from my phone, randomly choose what-ever photos and try my best to "elaborate" it.


ok, this, the eyeliner decoration. 
READY-TO-USE eyeliner comes with pattern 
it is a sticker liked thingy, it can stick on your eye, like double eyelid sticker
it cost me RM25, extra RM3 discount for me. because i am pretty and i will promote this thingy on my blog , so the uncle gave me special discount! lol

this is the outcome. i used it on the day i bought. 
i didnt use the eyeliner part, i cut off that part and used the pattern part only
because the eyeliner part is too thick, i don't really like it. 
i missed out the close up part. this is the best photo with the outcome. 

i bought it at Sungei Wang, 
u can try to search it on the highest floor
is a shop that sell lotsa fake eyelashes and cosmetic 


try to act cute, playing with my boy's spectacle
*without glasses 


photo that i took from instagram. i uploaded this on my insta
thick wavy hair with damn ugly bangs :( 

ALSO, took from insta. 

Follow me at insta: INEZYEN

Monday, October 1, 2012


went to Maroon 5's concert on 20 September, with my boy

so, i am gonna blog about that superb nice concert.. 

the concert started at 9pm, sharp..

first, Maroon 5's special guest, The Cab, bring the heat on 

who is this :) ?! 
sexy Adam Levine 

superb high me..ahhh~~~

my hair nice, right? 

we left before the encore, because we don't want to stuck in the traffic jam
and before that, let me have a picture with maroon 5!
memorable :) 

last, close up with Adam Levine :)