Monday, December 17, 2012


few days before, is our (boy and me) anniversary. Not really remember it. so i prepare nothing la. bad la this girlfriend.  He never fails to remember it. and always, never fails to surprise me. 

that day, i mean 14-12-2012 . back to two years- 14-12-2010, is the day we have our story started. 

ok la, let me tell you how he got me 

i still remembered, we are secondary five that year. having our SPM (secondary final) on that month (December) 

we both taking same subjects, but we are from different secondary. on 14-12-2010. we had our last subject, Chinese. 

He is a good boy, he had a promise with his mother, that is never have girlfriend when he still at secondary. He will only have girlfriend after secondary. 

Boy and me are old friend. We knew each other when standard five. Also, we are not from same primary. Just same tuition. Like usual boy will do, he always bully me. fuck him. lol. As return, he always had bruise on his hand. Girl not means for bully, ok?  

after standard six, we lost contact, until primary five. We met again at another tuition. LOL, TUITION? 

that time, he had complicate with a girl. also, i have mine with a bastard. Don't know what happened, we started to text. he used to text me and i used to neglect his message. lol. because i have no idea what to do with him and the bastard, until. i fuck the bastard out of my life. and i started to work hard on my study. 

i started to hang out with him, and okay, started to reply him. like usual friend la. 

also, don't know what happened, i start to fall in love with him. i think is because the raining scene. 

the day we hung out-raining-he-rushed-to-car-take-umbrella-for-me. ok la. romantic enough. and..he got

he asked me can i be his girlfriend after exam? i answered: talk about it after exam. so damn cool. lol 

aiya. you can guess the answer la. we now are together. for already two years. 


after two years-surprise never stop. 

this year. without my consent. he prepared me a bouquet.


that day i went for gynae check up. after check up, went back for dating preparation. 

 here is me: 

and then, planned to have our early lunch at Manhantten Fish Market. 

that time i am craving for their new baked fish. 

before that, boy suddenly said, i think we should go to the florist to have a look when we have our breakfast
me: why?
boy: for my mom. i think i should buy her a bouquet as birthday present. 
me: when is her bday?
boy: end of month. 
me: walao. not worth la. flower die damn easy. should buy clothes or something that can be used always.
me: aiya, never mind la.  go have a look la, as u like. 

when we reached florist.
me: what kind of flower u want?
boy: this? *point at a random plastic flower
me: what?!
suddenly, the florist assistant said: mr lee right? 
me: fuck, what u did? * when i got shock by the assistant and i saw a purple bouquet 
boy: *smile
then, the assistant pass me the bouquet and said: this must be yours
me: .... *tears rolling in my eyes like i am going to cry out loud and look at her like a stupid

this is mine; so surprise with the purple roses. i like it so damn much
Thank you

after walk out the florist, i scolded him and i said: why u waste this kind of money, so damn waste. then i CRIED in public. Many people looked at me. The florist is located at uptown S2, beside papparich. The renovation of that florist is so damn high class la, confirm the bouquet is damn expensive. 

then, have our lunch. i asked mr. lee: why u don't present the bouquet to me at now, more people see it ma. so damn expensive eh, should let more people to see it. LOL 

A pic of me with the flower: 

AZTEC dress from sg wang
beige heels from bugis street 

And, a pic of us: 

hello, boy. Thank you for everything. 
the best thing for me is you are always beside me
also, always fight with me. 
ok la, i just love to pick something to fight with you. 
so, just bear with it la. my pattern ma

I love you <3 

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