Wednesday, December 26, 2012


they are all my friends, some are from primary school till secondary school, and now, we are still in contact

the bond never breaks. 

that night, we have a gathering also party for xmas eve. for god sake, i hosted it and it is successful, damn stress la, 
i have all the last minute work done: reserving a table, gather the people, confirmation..etc...

so glad they all can make it especially my bff, the girl next beside me. the guy  beside her is her boyfriend. first joining us.

i didnt take much pictures, too happy and phone's battery dried. 

have our happy time at Brugge, uptown s2, seremban. 

this is the first round, finished 6 buckets of carlsberg there, 

and next, chilled at my place with hard liqour. 

one friend down, and few half way to drunk. my boy also drunk la..totally drunk like a death fish

he can't remembered how he went on the bed 

i was like kissing him and told him "merry xmas" 

and he replied "mmmmrrryy masss" 

spoilted, and i laughed. 

and when he woke up at the..erm...halfway la, because we slept at 5am, can't consider at midnight
he wants to hug me, he said he makes sure is me first only he hugs me
because he has no memory at all, he scares he sleeps with other girl, how cute...

mint color denim match with white singlet
studded shorts love...lace necklace 

my xmas present from bff! 

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