Monday, December 17, 2012


with the four tickets, i went to the festival with my boy, his brother and cousin. 

reached there superb early, around 6.15pm 

not much people there when we reach, so we was guessing no one will coming la..since not much people ma..

then, found a place to sit down and chit chat while waiting it to start. 

and then, great thing happened, the sky decided to give us some moisture. It's rained. wtf

Run like hell, to get some shield. Luckily, they did prepare raincoat for us! and i got myself a pink one, lol..

Smile like a happy kid. 

It started quite late, around 7.30pm? 

whatever la, it's late. First with Jakeman and Skeletor to warm the crowd up.

You know, they never fail. The heat continue with MIZZ NINA 

took none of her picture, because i forgot. until Bobby Ray a.k.a B.O.B 

he brought his rapping and also, performed his talent on piano. i have no idea he knows piano that well. i thought he only knows rapping. thumbs up. both thumbs. lol 

kinda tired and feel like go home at the halfway. Standing there for almost 2 hours plus eh. 

boy told, is very sayang if leave now. far east movement later eh. 

uhm..okay..JUST WAIT. and i said, ok lo... after one song then leave kay? with superb innocent eyes. 

The B.O.B's part is superb long, like one hour plus? just, superb long la...

finally, i managed to wait for them, the Far East Movement. 

well planned. Watson can guess we all are only waiting for Far East Movement. So they put them at last? 

IDK?? as i said, after one song, i leave. kinda disappointed eh..

i didn't take much pictures. and here is me on that day 

with Watson's banner at the back 

Leapord printed meow ears hairband
casual shorts 
SUMMIT sandals 

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