Tuesday, June 18, 2013


like to stay at home rather to go out?

always browsing through the internet to see what's going on promotion or which store is having great sale?

never wants to miss out any promotion, great deals or sales? 

why don't you try to click in: www.save22.com.my?

it is a WOW for me!
i never thought of someday there is a site that provide information like which store is having great deals; my favorite store is now having promotion or sales!

Save22 is a site that let you check out great deals at home before you actually go to the retail shop. 
sound good? for me, YES, IT SOUNDS DAMN GOOD. 

Save22 will update the information that needed by the shopper DAILY. 
comprehensive pricing, sales, promotion etc. 

Save22 not only covers Malaysia retailers, but also Singapore and Philippine!

when i first got the information about Save22, i immediately browse through Save22 homepage. 
here is the demo for the new user: 

CLICK IN: Save22

you will be directed to the homepage of Save22.
i live in Malaysia, so for the country, Malaysia will do!

choose the category you want to search for, for me, Restaurant! 
nice food with great deals always come first. 

this month, feature retailers for restaurant are A'Famosa and Dynasty Dragon Seafood Restaurant. 
i choose Dynasty Dragon Seafood Restaurant, click on the "VIEW PROMOTION"
it will direct you the page below:

tadaa! the information you are looking for is here!

Save22 also provided all the shops in Malaysia. easy for you to search for the Brand(s) you want, get the address, know about the promotion or sales on when and where, and, after all, you are ready to go for a CRAZY SHOP! 

Brand from 1-7, A-Z! 

check it out, it might be you new favorite site to browse through.

Friday, June 7, 2013


comes to PART II ! 

this entry is totally full with pictures! 

this year, 20 years old. 
i celebrated it with my friends at port dickson. 
i have booked a apartment suit from ASIAROOMS.com
ASIAROOMS really brought me a lot of convenient. i have saved the time to check out the validity date of each hotel located at port dickson, and the most important thing is i saved a lot of money! 
check them out! 

check it at 2pm it stated, but when i reach there at 1.30pm. i can check in immediately! 
so good. so now, i bet u want to know which hotel i stayed right? 

let me show you the suit i got: 

the living room. with air condition, sofa, coffe table, television.

the room. with air condition also, double bed for us, wardrobe, make up table with mirror and an attached bathroom! 

from this view u can see the bed and attach bathroom properly la. nice or not? 
my bff can't stop praising it. lol. 

the most important part is this! the kitchen and dining room. 
i can prepare food and drinks for my friends, and there is a fridge! where i stored my birthday cake inside and freezed all the beers! so convenient :) 

not to forget, the view from the suit! 
walk out to the balcony:

i got beach view at left hand side! 
and my right hand side is the pretty garden with a small lake and football court!

pretty right? yea, totally will go back again. 

after we put down all the stuff, time to go to the beach! i like outdoor activities so much. 
planned to ride on the water scooter, but so sad, there is no water scooter provided :( 
so we just bought a kite and play la :( 

high or not? i really know how to put a kite. want a tutorial on it? lol! 

you wondering why i didnt swim right? 
stupid mc came at a wrong timing. uhm :( 
i really really want to swim. i missing the beach now. 
unlike other beach, the sand here is super clean and quite white. i like! 
u can know by seeing the sea water on this two pictures.

went back, watched the sunset. so romantic. my first sunset with him (bf) 

party started quite late, because most of them have to work on that day, my bday isn't agong or sultan bday, they still need to work, pity. 

have dinner, chilled with beer, play around, chit chat. thats what we did. 
precious memory for me. glad to have them as my friends. 
some of them may leave next year to have further study, i will miss you, you, you and you la. 

the boys 

and the girls:

yay, only three girls. i have boyfriends more than girlfriends. 
they are all my secondary friends :) we still keep in touch always and hang out.

my birthday cake from Miss.B Patisserie
i requested three elements: purple, lace and ribbon. 
fulfilled and satisfied. thank you. 

with the candles i bought from Jonker Street, Malacca. 

i wished all my wishes come true. 

the cake is super hard. and heavy. i have to use two hand to cut it! 

this two are my birthday present from boyfriend and also my outfit of that night. he paid. from forever 21 :) 
thank you my dear. 

my handsome and lovely captain america. i love u always. 

hello 20 years old. please be good to me. 

Monday, June 3, 2013



on my actual day, i am only celebrated it with boyfriend. 
daddy and mommy were at Singapore. WORKING

ps* new top from friend, one of the birthday present. i like it so much. roses and purple. 

we celebrated it at IKEA, sound cheapskate. 
lol. no la, i have been starving for IKEA meatballs for years. 
and have to buy some new furniture for our home, joke la. 
no money how to buy house! anyone wants sponsor us? 

Vegetarian pasta with tomato sauce, Swedish meatballs, Poached salmon with chives sauce, chicken wings, muffin, cinnamon roll and soft drinks (refillable!) 

ergh, torturing myself. two food posts back to back. i am hungry, very hungry now! 

i uploaded this picture @ instagram
caption: birthday dinner at Ikea. so cheapskate. lol. 
with him, everything is wonderful. eat at mamak also no problem la. 

picture of us. i love you. 

i am officially 20 years old. 
shit, getting older. 
i have to hold this guy more tight.
i have no more  market value, 20 years old now, hard to find new boyfriend.
pls love me more. 
i am so sad, can't stop mentioning i am 20 years old now :'( 
when i am young, i always wanted to grow older. but now, i hope time moves slower. 
i have many things left undone, i have many things to do, i am seriously lack of time. 

picture mostly taken by S4, don't complain about the quality, i know it's poor :( 

i don't know you guys realize it or not. i have changed my blogskin and cover! 
like? no like? 
i like! 

TODAY'S - 03062013

today is Monday
heavy Monday's blues
my class at 10am, i woke up at 8am.
felt so shit. 
i hope i can sleep a while more
but NO, i can't afford to skip any class anymore. 
i told myself, no matter how, what, why, when, whatever shit
i must attain FULL A for all my three subjects! 

ok, went to UNCLE JANG KOREAN RESTAURANT to have brunch today.
this is not the first time i went there. the first time i went was with boyfriend and (boyfriend's sister and her boyfriend) 
today, my second attempt. ok la, i can't forget the delicious DAK GALBI ! 
always wanted to go back again, but, u know..life is kind of busy? 
today is the day. today went with many people. so so so so happy. 

so happy to see people around , eat also more happy la. lol
* they're boyfriend's family members. got mummy there, younger brother, aunt and uncle, cousins and sister who took this picture. 

tell me you're drooling now, i am. wtf

i am totally broke down, i want ! i can smell the aroma from here, shit. am i getting crazy? 

we are in our napkin, like baby? 
cute right. 
hater gonna hate. my hater snap backs!