Tuesday, June 18, 2013


like to stay at home rather to go out?

always browsing through the internet to see what's going on promotion or which store is having great sale?

never wants to miss out any promotion, great deals or sales? 

why don't you try to click in: www.save22.com.my?

it is a WOW for me!
i never thought of someday there is a site that provide information like which store is having great deals; my favorite store is now having promotion or sales!

Save22 is a site that let you check out great deals at home before you actually go to the retail shop. 
sound good? for me, YES, IT SOUNDS DAMN GOOD. 

Save22 will update the information that needed by the shopper DAILY. 
comprehensive pricing, sales, promotion etc. 

Save22 not only covers Malaysia retailers, but also Singapore and Philippine!

when i first got the information about Save22, i immediately browse through Save22 homepage. 
here is the demo for the new user: 

CLICK IN: Save22

you will be directed to the homepage of Save22.
i live in Malaysia, so for the country, Malaysia will do!

choose the category you want to search for, for me, Restaurant! 
nice food with great deals always come first. 

this month, feature retailers for restaurant are A'Famosa and Dynasty Dragon Seafood Restaurant. 
i choose Dynasty Dragon Seafood Restaurant, click on the "VIEW PROMOTION"
it will direct you the page below:

tadaa! the information you are looking for is here!

Save22 also provided all the shops in Malaysia. easy for you to search for the Brand(s) you want, get the address, know about the promotion or sales on when and where, and, after all, you are ready to go for a CRAZY SHOP! 

Brand from 1-7, A-Z! 

check it out, it might be you new favorite site to browse through.

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