Monday, June 3, 2013



on my actual day, i am only celebrated it with boyfriend. 
daddy and mommy were at Singapore. WORKING

ps* new top from friend, one of the birthday present. i like it so much. roses and purple. 

we celebrated it at IKEA, sound cheapskate. 
lol. no la, i have been starving for IKEA meatballs for years. 
and have to buy some new furniture for our home, joke la. 
no money how to buy house! anyone wants sponsor us? 

Vegetarian pasta with tomato sauce, Swedish meatballs, Poached salmon with chives sauce, chicken wings, muffin, cinnamon roll and soft drinks (refillable!) 

ergh, torturing myself. two food posts back to back. i am hungry, very hungry now! 

i uploaded this picture @ instagram
caption: birthday dinner at Ikea. so cheapskate. lol. 
with him, everything is wonderful. eat at mamak also no problem la. 

picture of us. i love you. 

i am officially 20 years old. 
shit, getting older. 
i have to hold this guy more tight.
i have no more  market value, 20 years old now, hard to find new boyfriend.
pls love me more. 
i am so sad, can't stop mentioning i am 20 years old now :'( 
when i am young, i always wanted to grow older. but now, i hope time moves slower. 
i have many things left undone, i have many things to do, i am seriously lack of time. 

picture mostly taken by S4, don't complain about the quality, i know it's poor :( 

i don't know you guys realize it or not. i have changed my blogskin and cover! 
like? no like? 
i like! 

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