Monday, August 30, 2010


ahahaha ~ 2day , 30/08/10

i finished my biology exam ~

phew ~! finally ...... finished !

still left 1 subject - bahasa cina !

after tat , my trial , is , finish !

hapi dao ~ ! cnt describe ah my feeling !

today also da eve of  malaysia day ~

many frens planing go to c da fireworks ...

i wan go oso ~

whn i tel my dear , CK : ei dear , i wan go out tonite , go c fireworks ~

thn he answer me say : u still small a ? childish ...

WAT !!! lik tat means childish ah ???


terus bo mood jor ~

k .. i go by myself ! but .....

SOBS ! no car !!!! WT !~!

GERAM-nya ....

waiting ppl fetch me go out ~!

Nvm ... tis sunday my house gt party ...

i gonna play til crazy on tat day !


muahahahahaha ~

Thursday, August 26, 2010


waooo .. How time flies ..?

jus left 2dys thn I finish my trial jor ....

tis month past so fast ....

fast till I oredi 4get the date of the day ...

Jus a bit blur ....

bt somehow ...

tats gud .. whn Im in a  blur situation ...

at least I no ned care those things happen around me

I can do wat I lik , wat I want ...

i enjoy it ....

Learn frm YEEYANG !

- no frens is nothing wat ! lagi gud , lagi free -

HE is the only 1 will say tis , I think

he treat everythings very open ...

for me .. I cant ... so i very admire him ..

He is my Idol ~

bt .. I hope 1dy he will find his true fren ...

ermm .. bout my life ... nothing special ..

everyday study , jus sleep few hours ... bla bla bla ...

hmm ~ today 3.55am ..

whn Im studying my chemistry .. i  Debacle !

i cried on my chemistry reference book ...

thn .. i suddenly wan call HIM !

oh gosh ~ wat happen o ~

bt .. at the end .. i dint !

cos .. ergh .. no reason ..

find him will show tat Im damn useless !

Im a kinda strong gal .... so .. i can face my problem




Sunday, August 22, 2010


SObs ~

2dy go out bt kena langgar ... sobs !

nt my fault a ...


me , following a van

thn the van suddenly emergency brake

my mum beside me shout very loud : " BRAKE ! "

thn , i quickly brake !

luckly .. i didnt langgar tat van ...

bt .. " bang " from behind !

oh shit ! i look at my mum , my mum look at me ...

my mum thn say : " nvm , go down hav a look ... "

i park my car bside the road ... get down frm the car

my mum ask tat guy ... " erm .. nw hw ? "

thn he said : " u look ur car 1st ... "

so , i check my car ...

thanks god .. jus calar a bit ...

thn i c his car ... infront bumper kemek jor ... car plate crack jor


after ex-changing phone number thn leave lor ...

about  4 pm , he call my mum ...

he said .. : " erm .. i gotta go balai ... report ... "

thn mum agree jor ...

i kemas my things thn go balai lor .. aiks .. waste jor 1 hour at thr ....


Sunday, August 15, 2010


alohaaaaaaa ~ Inez here ~

akhem akhem ... today , 15.08.2010

last day before trial .....

tomorow will start trial

tomorow paper will be BM and SJ(1)

SJ ~ OMG ... jus finish F4 syllabus

f5 belum start ! *faint* arr ~

so .. today ned to burn midnight oil jor ...

if nt cnt finish it ... @.@

ahhh ~ me bcum panda jor !

cham ... nt leng jor !

Sobs !

tough 3weeks ..~

scare scare .. scare my result nt gud

so , tis 3weeks no time sleep jor ...

keep on study study study ..~

feel so sick ...

brain " install " jor many things ..

feel so heavy ...

lik 100 tan beras on my head ! HEAVY ~


hope i wont pengsan .. after trial ....


after trial having party at my house ! yeah yeah !

1st party at new house .. many frens cum ...

will b a nice party ???? hope ....

Friday, August 6, 2010


Finally i knw tat , im kinda STRONG .

hey ~ im nt puji-ing myself .

although .. sometimes .. i cry ..

bt tat nt show im weak ..

tats jus my way of Abreaction !

im strong enuff to face him , im strong enuff to continue my life although he is nt v me , im strong enuff to stand up to face my  problem , im strong enuff to do all the stuff tat ned guys to hlp me .
CONCLUSION : no him i wont die

So . Nw . im back . im nt goin to escape . i choose to face it . i duwan to bcome a corward anymore !

put down all tis stupid LOVE ~ nt suit for me at tis moment , cos im goin to study hard for my spm .

hey .. i will nt cry anymore . smile . i will smile . everyday . nt fake smile . bt smile from my deep heart .

am put down jor .. i knw we no chance jor .. so .. okay .. bye bye .. my love .

i buried our love . cos . Our love  oredi die .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


akhem akhem ...

MY life huh ?

nt bad lor ...

havin fun v frens ... at school ~

kinda hapi ...

i no crazy tis time ...

still a normal babe la ..

havin fun at school bt study at home ~!

i knw at school , my attitude nt gud , nt respect SOME teacher , jus SOME , nt all

not paying full attention , sleep , cabar teacher ... bla bla bla ~

hey ! thr mus hav my reason ...

bt .. u teacher duno tat .. jus knw im a bad bad student ...

ok .. think watever u lik ....

nt goin to giv any comment on ur comment

haha ...

trial a ~ scare scare ! ~ !


hmm .. about him ..

reali dun understand 

i reali let go , bt havent  4get ~

is hard ~ sobs !

sometimes still will miss him lo ...

lik today ...

ponteng go his class ..

ei .. whn saw him , im nothing d lor ..

bt i duno why he keep on curi curi c me ~
i cn feel it ...

although im talking wit vid ~

aiks ...

speechless a .!.

hard to describe my feeling ~

watever lar ~~~~~
