Sunday, August 22, 2010


SObs ~

2dy go out bt kena langgar ... sobs !

nt my fault a ...


me , following a van

thn the van suddenly emergency brake

my mum beside me shout very loud : " BRAKE ! "

thn , i quickly brake !

luckly .. i didnt langgar tat van ...

bt .. " bang " from behind !

oh shit ! i look at my mum , my mum look at me ...

my mum thn say : " nvm , go down hav a look ... "

i park my car bside the road ... get down frm the car

my mum ask tat guy ... " erm .. nw hw ? "

thn he said : " u look ur car 1st ... "

so , i check my car ...

thanks god .. jus calar a bit ...

thn i c his car ... infront bumper kemek jor ... car plate crack jor


after ex-changing phone number thn leave lor ...

about  4 pm , he call my mum ...

he said .. : " erm .. i gotta go balai ... report ... "

thn mum agree jor ...

i kemas my things thn go balai lor .. aiks .. waste jor 1 hour at thr ....


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