Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Now, i should be preparing for Public Exam....why I'm blogging?!

While, i can not focus on it..!!! my brother is playing DOTA, and making sound pollution...

i wanted to kill him... *NOTE : do not take it serious, I'm just joking....

i hate DOTA, i never like DOTA, stupid game...yes...stupid stupid game...

i suspect that, my brother and his friends are disability....they are deaf...yes..deaf....

Shouted on the mic is useful? stupid action....

NERVOUS NERVOUS....12 days to go....

yet...I'm not ready....what to mind is very very blur...i can't understand or remember..

my personal computer = brain is not functioning.. OMG....

what to do...what to do....

I forced myself to study hard..i told myself "after the exam..u're free!! so, try your best lah"

com' on com'on ...

please....pray for me ~~~

my quote : i ain't born to study!! But the fact is, i have to

SAD case!!!!


back to bookss...

I'm going crazy....

introduce new loke's baby

a baby girl :) 

meet her last friday with baby boy....

we spend our 10 months anniversary with this little girl 

and my grandparents and also uncle aunt

hello, little...

hold her in my arm and i feel like holding a kitty...

so small....

waiting for your full moon celebration...

love ya ~

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