Monday, October 24, 2011

TIME TO CHANGE template is so bored..

time to change..any suggestion?

but...everything have to wait until i finish my public exam...

long time to be patient ya~

and im here to inform you all that

im going to leave my blog for a period..

study is more important...

after exam, lotsa post will be published...

so...same word  " PATIENT" 



time flies....the course almost go to the end....

quite happy, sad too

happy is because the tough is going to end 

sad is because, have to say good bye to the course mates

so called "hi-bye friends" 


though haven't finish exam...

we are planning for holidays...

last year, X'mas with best friend at spore

this year, X'mas with boy friend at spore

and X'mas buffet dinner at spore with family 

so nice~~ waiting ~~~

and and and..part time job!!!!

i told my mom : mii...can i have a part time job? i want to be a promoter...i want to train my mouth..i want to improve my interact skill....can can can???

mom replied : good

oh yeah...i love you mom~

im available for any event/road show model or freelancer!!! 

but after 09/1102011 !!!

feel free to pm me via my mail : INEZ YEN


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