Saturday, October 1, 2011


hello...after the last I'M !!

miss me :) ?

preparing for trial exam....mathematical studies, physics, chemistry and biology...uhm...

i'm going to crazyyyy.....after trial, 3 weeks later...public exam !!!  


between the crazy revision...i need to Inez's time!!!

although can't hang out for a short period to relax my mind, flash back of the memories could help :) 

come' on ...about Arthur's Day...?

not really that fun....I leave before Taio Cruz step on the stage...

and being bang by my friends.." what? Taio Cruz came all the way from England, and u missed it?!"

"huh?! you didn't wait for Taio Cruz, such a waste?!"

weii!!! tired ok? and the prelude is bored!! 

the Crew :) yey~!



*poor pix quality :(

after our dinner/supper....home...

super super tired ..~~~

us, picture of the day at Taipei Walker Cafe 

the next day, boyfie sent me home, and we have breakfast, bak kut teh with dad and mom

nothing special happened after the Arthur's Day and we didn't go anywhere 

because my dear and me are preparing for our exam..

all the best to you, my dear

and also all my super comel course mate...


before i say good bye...

i just want to spill out the words in my heart, well...u can skip it if you don't like: 

" my life, please do not interfere, do not talk non sense infront of me anymore, do not pretent to be poor,

i hate it, so irritating...what you have taught me? just let me know that the world, has 

you, this kind of people....Do you think you really made any contribution to me? Idiot thinking...Treat me

 fierce is good for me? because of my own good? you are my mother? even my mom wouldn't say this to

 me...eww....last time, is I stupid, I naive, I have not mature yet, but now,... i know what is good and

 bad, what is true and fake, what is real and pretend...I should say, I always know...stop mentally abuse not good...i will give u a great bite if you reach my limit." 

yes...this is the end


oh!! last

INEZ here :) 

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