Tuesday, August 28, 2012


did my first shooting last saturday....

is an outdoor shooting...i enjoyed it so much

and i realized that, model shooting is not a relax work

smile smile, don't smile, natural smile...posing posing posing..turn left a bit more..face right...

uhm..is tiring..but then i felt is alright, because i like it :)

just got a job, also model shooting, on 9th september..

i am so looking forward it...

here attach some photo(s): hope you guys like it


Monday, August 27, 2012


today, not going to blog about my recent life...but about love

something inspired me to have this entry

what is LOVE? don't find the meaning from dictionary, find it from your heart..

who can exactly explain the word LOVE to me? no one i guess...

i love my parents...my parents work so hard just to give me a home 

they don't care what they get at last, they just care what we get at now

their love to me is bottomless...their love to me never go to the end...i love them too..

now, i  can't give them anything, what i can do is, work damn fucking hard to get a good result

i always aim to get scholarship, not because poor, is because i want to cut down their burden

i know their life, and i know my parents are tough...i appreciate them all the time...

they say, every daughter is the lover of the father in last lifetime... agree? 

but then...how about daughter with mother? lol 

hey, guys....look at your parents now..do you see that there are some wrinkles on their forehead..
do you know that their grey hair is growing? do you know that, they are growing older? 

there is a time limit, please appreciate your parents 

i love my boy...in your eyes, maybe we are just a little couple that don't know the immensity of heaven and earth

but, i can tell you..we run this relationship with our heart...we know what are we doing so far.. 

we don't spend a lot when we are dating...we don't go to high-class-restaurant...

only if there is any special days...idk why couple dating must go to high-class-restaurant...is a myth ? 

what-ever...we always go for yummy foods with fair price...i don't spend his money on shopping, i used mine, only if, he insist on paying..

tell you the truth, i feel so sad for those parents whose their child spent a lot on gf/bf

bring bf/gf to high-class-restaurant, paying by parents' sub-credit card! 

on valentine's day, what anniversary day..we don't celebrate, 

ok...he will send me some superb sweet message ..i told him, don't buy me anything..DON't...

exclude birthday...because i think that birthday is very important...

but then...i always buy him thingy..he always buy me thingy also...lol..no way to stop..because we love each other so much...is true..when i see something suit him or maybe he will like it, i will buy it! same thing goes to him.. lol 

ok..what i want to say is...

love the person that is with you now. she/he may not the last person in your life,

 but  she/he is the person that you love now. appreciate every moments your are with him/her, hold everything tight..you will never know what will happen next. 

love everyone, love everything. Don't stop loving. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


went enrollment this morning...finally my holiday ends

tomorrow new semester starts...time flies! 

taking four subjects, thinking add on one more subject

because the time table is too loose..i mean too many breaks between it...

i like my time table pack with classes...yes, i like..what for having sooo many breaks 

ergh, IDK what to do....boy told me not to add one more, i should pay more attention on accounting as i failed it last semester...yes...i should work harder! should not re-sit it! feel like slapping myself now...why me no work hard!! 

sad sad sad...how embarrass! *digging hole....

whatever, regret useless, blame myself not working hard for it. 
accept it! go with it! 

gain on some stupid weights 

cry! i am fat now..going 45kg i think

darn....start from next week going on diet! 

i swear..i will go back to 40 kg! 

no fats! NO! 

Friday, August 17, 2012


semester break left only 5days, i wasted my days 

did nothing besides sleep-eat-shit-watch tv 

i thought i will go for a express manicure and pedicure learning lesson

but failed, because my money just got few days before! 

never mind, late better than nothing...

and also i thought i will go for some part time job, failed also

IDK the reason, so just let it be. Some how, i really wasted my days! 

Last week, i got my result, sad than i failed my financial accounting 2! whatthefuck ihateit

so, i have to retake the subject, that's mean...i have to study this fuckingannoyingme subject again

damn sad, kill me please....

but, happy that i pass my economics. miracle. and got a superb satisfied result for marketing 

i always did well for my marketing but why not accounting and economics? :( 

went to Melaka again, this time with my families :) 

how long we didn't go for a walk like this? i can't count it out...is too long! 

though just a one day trip, i still enjoy and happy about it! 

check the picture: 

we off to Melaka at 2pm, and reach there after half an hour 
have our lunch at FAMOSA CHICKEN RICE
it is located in the jonker street 
ok, i don't think the chicken rice there is better than other places 
it is just an ordinary chicken rice, but the price is not ordinary! 
i bet that, if i have this table of foods ordered in Seremban, it will cost me only rm50++ 
but, at there, this table of foods, need about rm80. killmeplease. 

this.is.my.grandpa.cool huh? 
say. PEACE. 

with red hat 
so match with her top.

after lunch, we have a superb small walk at Jonker street. 
i really can't stand with the hot sun. 
i beg them to get into the car a.s.a.p
while my mouth can't stop saying "is hot is hot" 
lol. that's me
i hate sun. i hate hot weather.

the miles crepes: 
left: double chocolate
middle: cheese
right: original
i personal like the original the most! 
double chocolate and cheese also not bad..
all are good in taste! 
omgee..i want it now...i am drooling :( 


name of the cafe: Nadeje
location: Mahkota Parade
(i don't feel like posting out the address while give u the direction, because, u can't find it even i give u the address) ok. if u want to go to the Mahkota Parade for the miles crepes, u have to follow this: 
first, find your way to Mahkota Parade..park you car at the car park provided by Mahkota Parade
get out from your car, don't go in the parade but try to find the cafe between the shop on you left hand side. you can see a big white couch outside the Nadeje cafe. just that easy. don't ever to go in the parade to find the cafe! 

also: went for lunch + dinner with boy at B.B.Q plaza on wednesday 

my first time, we ordered the family deluxe set ( i guess i name it correctly) 

not bad. i guess can go for a second time, if i have time

p/s: the sauce is damn bloody nice and that's heaven

and also not forget to talk about the latest movie that we watched yesterday: 

The Expendables 2 

Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross
Jason Statham as Lee Christmas 
Dolph Lundgren as Gunner 
Chuck Norris as Booker
Liam Hemsworth as Billy the Boy
Bruce Wills as Church
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Trench aka I am Back 

(these are the important characters. p/s: i love Sylvester Stallone the most. i like his movie. i started to follow him since i watch his movie: Rocky )

last, attachment of me 
in case u forgot my face: 

and also me and him 

he looks so damn old 
because he just finished his year 1 final 
no time for facial and hair cut
so, this is the fucking ugly result 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


if u are following my instagram/facebook/twitter, u should know that i have highlighted my hair

is purple in color, finally i put some color on, lol

i did on left side, i think that's unique to do it on one side...wait for the color fade off ..i am gonna do it both side

getting addicted on it, i am so in love with purple color...! 

this is the second time i did the highlight

first time, i did it at my mom's friend saloon, while waiting my aunt for her rebonding..

the result was not satisfied, the color is more to red, something like redish purple..

i am sad when i saw the result, so i did the second time after a week 

this time, i went to the saloon that i used to go

for seremban people, u may know there is a saloon at era walk, named golden phoenix 

i used to go there for trimming...so they recognize me well..lol

this time, i got them for my highlight! 

my hair done my Jeff, used 2.5 hours for my hair done! 

and the result was very fantastic ! 

i dont know u can see the color in this picture or not...but in real the color is quite obvious, and is nice with curls! 

they have my hair bleach for two or three times 

my hair is now dry like hell, and i can't wash it daily 

need to do treatment frequently 

whatever, i am gonna to have to color again if it fades..

looking forward my next color

boyfie asked me go for pink, but i want to have purple again..

perhaps purple with pink ? 


Seremban S2 uptown start to have many Japanese Restaurants

recently, i went to the new Japanese Restaurant with boyfie 

ordered Sukiyaki and Tempura set 

this is the Sukiyaki: 

well, the Sukiyaki's soup is too sweet, that is out of my limit, i dont really like it 

the Tempura set, nothing special

for sure, i took a plate of baby octopus from the belt..

that's amazing, the only thingy i like..

the baby octopus is nice... 

if u went there, they will serve you one food menu and a beverage menu

you will want to check the green tea on the beverage menu, sorry to say so, 

there is no GREEN TEA on the menu! 

you have to ask for it

stupid me ordered green apple juice 

who will go there order juice or any other drinks to match with Japanese's food ?! 

forget about it

Monday i drove to KL to meet with my boyfie

and went to Paradigm Mall 

first, lunch with boy and his friends at Italiannies 

because i want to have pasta! 

a Shrimp and Asparagus Alferdo for me, 

Fettuccine Tartufo for boyfie 

Classic Carbonara for Sarvin ( bet u know who's him if u have followed me for a time) 

Pepperoni Pizza for Khai Shin (hope i spell it right, boyfie's friend) 
such a cute guy 

Chicken Milanese for Shawn ( also friend of him ) 

then, shopping time for me..lol 

bought some new clothes at Padini, Cotton on and  Brands outlet 

loving my lace's vest <3 

that's all for today....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


today is the first day of the month, hello. august. 

wasting my time at home, how am i gonna pass this semester break without any part time job? 

i have no idea! rotting in the house, some one pls help me out! 


any one needs me ? lol 

nothing special happened last month..so nothing to post out...

argh.... mad...i am mad now

don't piss me off, August. it will be a bad month for me!!!