Monday, August 27, 2012


today, not going to blog about my recent life...but about love

something inspired me to have this entry

what is LOVE? don't find the meaning from dictionary, find it from your heart..

who can exactly explain the word LOVE to me? no one i guess...

i love my parents work so hard just to give me a home 

they don't care what they get at last, they just care what we get at now

their love to me is bottomless...their love to me never go to the end...i love them too..

now, i  can't give them anything, what i can do is, work damn fucking hard to get a good result

i always aim to get scholarship, not because poor, is because i want to cut down their burden

i know their life, and i know my parents are tough...i appreciate them all the time...

they say, every daughter is the lover of the father in last lifetime... agree? 

but about daughter with mother? lol 

hey, guys....look at your parents you see that there are some wrinkles on their forehead..
do you know that their grey hair is growing? do you know that, they are growing older? 

there is a time limit, please appreciate your parents 

i love my your eyes, maybe we are just a little couple that don't know the immensity of heaven and earth

but, i can tell you..we run this relationship with our heart...we know what are we doing so far.. 

we don't spend a lot when we are dating...we don't go to high-class-restaurant...

only if there is any special days...idk why couple dating must go to a myth ? 

what-ever...we always go for yummy foods with fair price...i don't spend his money on shopping, i used mine, only if, he insist on paying..

tell you the truth, i feel so sad for those parents whose their child spent a lot on gf/bf

bring bf/gf to high-class-restaurant, paying by parents' sub-credit card! 

on valentine's day, what anniversary day..we don't celebrate, 

ok...he will send me some superb sweet message ..i told him, don't buy me anything..DON't...

exclude birthday...because i think that birthday is very important...

but then...i always buy him thingy..he always buy me thingy way to stop..because we love each other so true..when i see something suit him or maybe he will like it, i will buy it! same thing goes to him.. lol 

ok..what i want to say is...

love the person that is with you now. she/he may not the last person in your life,

 but  she/he is the person that you love now. appreciate every moments your are with him/her, hold everything will never know what will happen next. 

love everyone, love everything. Don't stop loving. 

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