Wednesday, August 22, 2012


went enrollment this morning...finally my holiday ends

tomorrow new semester starts...time flies! 

taking four subjects, thinking add on one more subject

because the time table is too loose..i mean too many breaks between it...

i like my time table pack with classes...yes, i like..what for having sooo many breaks 

ergh, IDK what to do....boy told me not to add one more, i should pay more attention on accounting as i failed it last semester...yes...i should work harder! should not re-sit it! feel like slapping myself now...why me no work hard!! 

sad sad embarrass! *digging hole....

whatever, regret useless, blame myself not working hard for it. 
accept it! go with it! 

gain on some stupid weights 

cry! i am fat now..going 45kg i think

darn....start from next week going on diet! 

i swear..i will go back to 40 kg! 

no fats! NO! 

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