Friday, August 17, 2012


semester break left only 5days, i wasted my days 

did nothing besides sleep-eat-shit-watch tv 

i thought i will go for a express manicure and pedicure learning lesson

but failed, because my money just got few days before! 

never mind, late better than nothing...

and also i thought i will go for some part time job, failed also

IDK the reason, so just let it be. Some how, i really wasted my days! 

Last week, i got my result, sad than i failed my financial accounting 2! whatthefuck ihateit

so, i have to retake the subject, that's mean...i have to study this fuckingannoyingme subject again

damn sad, kill me please....

but, happy that i pass my economics. miracle. and got a superb satisfied result for marketing 

i always did well for my marketing but why not accounting and economics? :( 

went to Melaka again, this time with my families :) 

how long we didn't go for a walk like this? i can't count it too long! 

though just a one day trip, i still enjoy and happy about it! 

check the picture: 

we off to Melaka at 2pm, and reach there after half an hour 
have our lunch at FAMOSA CHICKEN RICE
it is located in the jonker street 
ok, i don't think the chicken rice there is better than other places 
it is just an ordinary chicken rice, but the price is not ordinary! 
i bet that, if i have this table of foods ordered in Seremban, it will cost me only rm50++ 
but, at there, this table of foods, need about rm80. killmeplease. huh? 
say. PEACE.
with red hat 
so match with her top.

after lunch, we have a superb small walk at Jonker street. 
i really can't stand with the hot sun. 
i beg them to get into the car a.s.a.p
while my mouth can't stop saying "is hot is hot" 
lol. that's me
i hate sun. i hate hot weather.

the miles crepes: 
left: double chocolate
middle: cheese
right: original
i personal like the original the most! 
double chocolate and cheese also not bad..
all are good in taste! 
omgee..i want it now...i am drooling :(

name of the cafe: Nadeje
location: Mahkota Parade
(i don't feel like posting out the address while give u the direction, because, u can't find it even i give u the address) ok. if u want to go to the Mahkota Parade for the miles crepes, u have to follow this: 
first, find your way to Mahkota Parade..park you car at the car park provided by Mahkota Parade
get out from your car, don't go in the parade but try to find the cafe between the shop on you left hand side. you can see a big white couch outside the Nadeje cafe. just that easy. don't ever to go in the parade to find the cafe! 

also: went for lunch + dinner with boy at B.B.Q plaza on wednesday 

my first time, we ordered the family deluxe set ( i guess i name it correctly) 

not bad. i guess can go for a second time, if i have time

p/s: the sauce is damn bloody nice and that's heaven

and also not forget to talk about the latest movie that we watched yesterday: 

The Expendables 2 

Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross
Jason Statham as Lee Christmas 
Dolph Lundgren as Gunner 
Chuck Norris as Booker
Liam Hemsworth as Billy the Boy
Bruce Wills as Church
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Trench aka I am Back 

(these are the important characters. p/s: i love Sylvester Stallone the most. i like his movie. i started to follow him since i watch his movie: Rocky )

last, attachment of me 
in case u forgot my face: 

and also me and him 

he looks so damn old 
because he just finished his year 1 final 
no time for facial and hair cut
so, this is the fucking ugly result 

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