Tuesday, June 29, 2010


ok ... 2 topic today ...

1st .. lets talk about mute ...

having sore throat


an ulcer on my lip ...

damn pain ...

trying many ways to let da ulcer recover


all does't work

so nw still pain-ing


dare nt drink water and eat...

cos once da ulcer contact v da food or drink

it make me feel pain

and it can make me scream or cry ...

sakit - nya

yesterday and today less talk , jus lik a mute

dun lik ! whn jus recover ???! ergh !

2nd ..

about hurt

tats .. erm ...

should be whr to begin ?

i dunno ~

complicated story

i think i'm crazy

i hurt him !

oh man !

can u imagine tat ?????!

i hurt him ... tat i love ...

i said many many cruel words to him !!!!

am kinda regret nw ...

tat time ....

i jus want him to get hurt ...

i want hm to try my feelings ....

so ..

i did tat to him ....

i duno wat i want to do ..

i reali duno

kinda lost

whn i jus can get out this stupid maze ?

i wanna to left those sad things behind

out of those sadness and start my new life ..

bt difficult to achieve it ....

( hey .. whn u sad , im nt feeling gud ; whn u nt hapi , im crying ; whn u r miserable , im in a ...brokan-hearted situation )
sorry .. my apology .. im lost control , cos i hate u duwan me

Friday, June 25, 2010


2dy attend my 1st driving tuition class

b4 tat damn nervous

bt , whn start da class am no feeling jor ~

sibeh tired lor !

da class start at 3.00pm

school let out at 1.20pm

reach hom 2.30pm

no time rest !


whn am learning

am was in a damn sleepy mood

holding the steering wheel pun no energy

keep on nod !



no accident ..~

wohoo ...

tahan till da last second

reach hom terus lay on da sofa !

nw jus gt time cn on9 ...

monday still ned attend again !

yorrrrrrrr ~ tired nia ....

Thursday, June 24, 2010


erm...today blog's tittle a bit bit weird izit ??

i'm nt pregnant jor la !

jus suddenly miss tis sweeta word ....

aiks .. so a bit bit sot sot here ...

duno can do wat ma ...

so cum here post tis stupid , meaningless blog lor ...

nw alone at home ...

start thinking some nonsense ...

aiks .. around me ..

all da frens gt their lover accom them ...

whn they enjoy their sweeta time v their hubby/wiffy

i jus found out tat ..

am very lonely .....

nobody reali knw wat i want ...


nobody knw my real feelings

i was kind of lonely

based on the surface , am kinda hapi nw

bt , in fact , i really hapi ?

reali no1 knw wat i want ...

aiks ...

hope tat i can fast fast graduate ...

no ned c those ppl face tat make me angry,disappoint,sad or hate ..

and also fast fast start my college life ...

end of the old . start a new .

tats is wat am desire

BABY BABY ... ( I loVE U )

haha ..  a lame word tat i nw wan to hear ...

bt ... impossible d la ...

ooi ! INEZ YEN ! u ok bo o ?

later i slap u o .. sei 38 ...

think wat la , go sleep la u ~

huiyo ..


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


( my favorite )

whn am posting tis blog , am jus finish my yummy ice-cream !

my favorite chocolate favour !

~yum yum ~

gud dessert after dinner !

today afternoon . reach hom oredi 4.30pm

stay bac for school activity ...

damn tired ...


am open refrigerator , take out da ice-cream ,

start eating infront da TV !

enjoy my sweet time .. hehe

i love da ice-cream !

cnt finish it , so put it bac

wait i finish dinner thn continue the remaining ice-cream ...

wow .. finish up my ice-cream in 1dy ...

later cough thn i cham ....

bt i wont regret !

because it is damn delicious !

( piggy eating her ice-cream )

Monday, June 21, 2010


posting tis blog whn am in a sleepy mood ... bt still tahan ..cos later gt tuition ... cnt on9 ....

after 2weeks holiday .. school reopen ... am nt used a....

yesterdy 11.00pm lay on da bed ... bt roll on da bed till 12.30am jus sleep ...

thn ... 3.15am wake up o ! yiu ~ nightmare ,....sobs ! scare scare ...

thn bac to sleep .... till da alarm wake me up ....

whole nite didnt sleep well .....

so ... today go to school wit a sleepy mood !

Assembly .. i damn quiet ... cos very tired ...

thn go bac class ...1st period , PJK ... i do my add math project ...

reali beh tahan ... thn terus sleep on da table !

b4 recess tat 4 period .. i jus sleep sleep sleep !!!!

after recess .. lagi teruk ... rain ...

gud environment for sleep ! plus SJ period ....

so ... am sleep again ....

today jus keep on sleep .. so pig a me !!!!!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


10am wake up .. tired ...

wash up ... still tired ... make-up ... still sleepy ... change cloth ... no energy ...

go out take breakfast .. Bak kut teh ! yeah ! nt tired , nt sleepy , gt energy jor !

hAHa .... ^-^

after breakfast .. bro and dad gt appoinment on eye examination ...

sienz dao !!!!! waste jor 1hour30mins at thr !

bt ... many drama staged !

1st .. 1 young lady brin her mum cum for eye examination too ...

she very impatient ! aiyo .. jus wait jor 5mins thn talk nonsense thr ... i wait jor 1hour pun belum angry le ! TOLONG ! keep on ask her mum : u ok jor ma ? y so slow d ? go home la go home la ! wow .. reali .. pengsan ... whn saw her mouth keep on open ... ish ...

2nd .. 1 gal cum in .. i think she oredi 15-16 yrs old ... tat receptionist ask her :  1st time cum or gt record b4 ? tat gal say gt record .. bt tat receptionist cnt find her information so ask her again : u sure u gt record b4 ? she say yes .. thn tat gal mum cum in .. walao ! sound very loud .. whole clinic can heard her sound ! her modal lik ppl owe her 100thousand ! lik very beh shong o her .... ur gal no brain u scold the receptionist for wat ? her gal 1st time cum thn tell ppl gt record .. no brain lo .. still study at chung hua high school o ! wow ...

if i gt a mum lik her i'll die .. honestly ...

after tat v go JUSCO .. i plan go thr shopping d .. bt spoilt ... ! yiu ! long time no shopping jor la !!!!
terus sienz !

da nurse checking my dad eye


! inez !

yesterdy go MPS hall listen my school band concert ~ v my dear cousin sis , Misty and her friend , Jerry

Jerry reach misty's house bout 6.15pm  .. he fetch us go .. v his little MyVI ~

his driving skill memang gud .. me keep on say : i'm nt in a hurry ... cos he drive dao very fast !

TRAFFIC JAM ! yiu ..

v 3 reach MPS about 6.40pm .. wow ~ early nia ... thn me n misty on da car chat ..till 7.00pm

wait till beh tahan thn me n misty go in 1st .. leave Jerry wait da ticket alone at outside ( cos my ticket at Jackson ho thr )

Concert start at 8.00pm ( very tepat masa ) ... btw tat rest for 20mins ....

tat 20 mins i go behind chat v my dear dear thy all .... all say i very tall ! haha ! cos i wear high-heeled shoe !

tat concert nt bad oo ~ i lik da background ! BRAVO ~

tat concert main conducter is zi jian .. ( i think ) ... he so leng zai wor .. yesterdy onli la .... haha

after tat concert v go A&W ! CK join us ... waffer ! yummy ! haha ~ i cnt finish my waffer ... Misty keep on nag me ! say i waste da food ... sobs !

( dun kill me ya whn u 2 saw tis picca )

thn go hom lur ... Belly full ~ reach hom oredi 11.45pm ...

quicky remove my make-up , take bathe ...

i wanna on9 d .. bt dad using computer ! ish ... cant on9 .. sienz jor ...

thn .. go oi oi lo ... sobs !

Saturday, June 12, 2010

my life .. suck

Suddenly fel tat .. My life reali Suck(s) ..

my life should control by myself ...bt ..

y .. nw nt ?

reali fed up wit my life ...

no matter wat i do nw ..

sure b others chit chat - topic ...

damn fed up ...

tats my life !

thx 4 u all concern ...

bt i reali dun ned it ..

wat i need .. is u all shut up da mouth !

i go trilogy shake , play too over v guys , alcohol etc

so what ?! no ned hav a big response lor !


Yiu ! tats me !

i can study beside tat i can notty too !

do envy ya !!

no1 cn interfere in my business !

PLS rmb tat !

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kuso physic class

havin our physic kelas-tambahan today ..

sibeh fun !

5m combine wit 5p ! cn u guys imgine ?

 damn kuso lo 2dy !

at da begining , v do PEKA ...

da class very very very noisy ...

our class moniter beh tahan ..

thn she shout :

" diam la , so noisy a ! teacher cnt talk a ! diam diam do PEKA la ! blah blah blah ..."

i cnt rmb wat she say jor ...

memang powerful lo ...

cos da class quiet jor 5 SECOND !

thn ... sure cont noisy la ...

she oso sha sha d la .. shout 4wat la ..useless !

whn teacher start teaching ..

da whole class diam jor ...

NAH ! tats call teacher la ...

moniter wa ... shout till die ar da class oso noisy d la !

whn teacher teaching infront ...

v all makan gula,sms la , snap pic la ... etc

so bad hor ?? hah !

between tat gt rest 10mins ...

me , jane , ck and bran go canteen ...

chat at thr + snap pic ~


cont our class till 12.30pm

go home !!

i dint learn anythings ~ T,T

waste jor tat 4hours ~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sista's day

ahha ! 2day is sista's day ...
especially for Inez Angela and Jane !

2dy v so 38 nia ... on9 fb ..
chat many many 38 things ...
happy ! long time no lik tat jor ....
erm ... lastime d things ..
i think nw i should 4get it ...
if nt .. i'll lose a sis ...
jus left few month thn v graduate jor ...
dun waste our time on fighting or other stupid things !

com'on sis ... am tired la ...
see-in the situation lik tat ..
bt ... i duno cn do wat ..
feel useless lar !
lik today ..
so gud wat ..
i open a topic
3 of us chat till so high ..
owh ~ reali a nice day ..!

i love sista's day !
hope avday oso our sista's day ya

Sunday, June 6, 2010


sienzzzz ~
jus reach hom nia ....
2day 7.20am thn wake up jor ....
cos sunday ma ... gt add math tuition , 8.00am
after tuition thn take my breakfast v my aunt ~
tired ...............................................
after tat she fetch me go INMAJU ...
my pra-p kursus start at 11.00am till 1.30pm
sibeh sienz~
luckly ... jin hao gt go !
gt ppl accom me .. chat v me ...
feel better ~
if nt i reali will tidur !
sms v CK oso ...
he at another class listen undang v waimun and yee ....
tat CK tis few days so sampat !
38 lao i call him '' haha
actually i duno y v ned to attend tis kursus ...
help us in future ?????????
nw ... i jus wan 55 get my lesen arrrrrrrrr!
dun ask me attend any kursus jor ! if nt i'll crazy ~

Saturday, June 5, 2010

^.^ holiday

heehee ~ holiday lurr ~
can rest for 2weeks'
hapi dao ~
today so pig er me ..
sleep til 12.00pm jus wake up ...
i off jor my hp .. wake up , on my hp ..
walao .... many ppl find me ....
explode jor a my hp !
 ... i no reply them ....
cos i still very tired *-*
brush teeth , wash face , breakfast
thn kemas my room ...
my gosh ! many dust errrrr  !
i allergy d le ! after kemas ...
sneeze lik hell !!!
pengsan !
cepat go bathe ...
take some medicine ...
thn ok a bit jor .....
weak weak d me T,T
thn ...
lay on sofa , turn on TV ...
continue my JANETBIN !!
skip jor my lunch ....
nvm la .... janetbin lagi important thn my lunch ....
duno can do wat le ...
2weeks holiday ....
sometimes i dun lik holiday cos ...
i duno can do wat aaaaaa~
tumbuh cendawan jor ....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


oh my gosh !
wat happen v me today ???!
lotsa things happen !
early in da morning thn saw u pnteng !
jus infront me .. u duno i'm in tat car izit ?
cos today go school very early ... n ..
drive another car go .. am jus bhind u ...
bt luckly u dint saw me .. if nt i will very paise !
tatime sibeh angry lo ... bt nw think bac .. aiks
angry 4wat la ... u dun deserve it !
haha~reach school chat v meng ....
chat lotsa things ...

perhimpunan,hair check !
luckly i run fast fast ...
escape from the disaster !
woohoo ! save !

then afternoon ;
walao ... another big case from my brother !
y he banyak masalah d !!!!!
gaduh v fren ... wan me settle for him ...
sienz =,= dao ~
he somemore wan cry !
my gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a girl le ...! i never cry cos of those little things
  ... bt he ...
   owhhh !
*-*pengsan !!!!

reaach hom .. mum call me !
i reali mau pengsan !
my bro d things oredi make me muntah darah ,
bt my mum ask me d question make me lagi wan muntah darah !
terus faint !!!! *-*

tis is for my mum